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  1. lePobz

    Rate the last food you eated

    Honey nut cheerios. Started out too dry and crunchy (6/10) then when I got lower down, they became more milkified and moist (10/10). Someone needs to invent some sort of cereal milk-sprinkler system. Or a way to stop cereal floating.
  2. lePobz

    Tonight, Tonight

    by the Smashing Pumpkins Nearly 13 years old, but still epic. :cheers:
  3. lePobz

    Free Radical closed

    You people had better start getting used to software and games developers dropping like flies. Even the industry giants are cutting serious costs.
  4. lePobz

    google invests in geothermal

    Geothermal energy is effectively watercooling the planet. This will cause global cooling - which can have catastrophic consequences. Suggest we overclock the planet.
  5. lePobz

    World's First Computer, thousands of years old is reconstructed.

    Don't buy one just yet, wait for the 3G model next year.
  6. lePobz

    Don't kiss without protection!

    I've got some cream for that.
  7. lePobz

    Dog of Man

    Anything about that seem slightly ... ... perculiar ... to you guys?
  8. lePobz

    this pic is weird on so many levels...NSFW

    I'm arresting you all for downloading CP.
  9. lePobz

    Are we human or are we dancer?

    No. I hacked your mind. You're actually listening to MC hammer.
  10. lePobz

    decline in males

    It's OK, because people in the future can drill into amber rocks and get DNA from little flies and breed more humans. I saw it on this film I watched. Jurassic something.
  11. lePobz

    US man uses pizza in self-defence

    I choose McDonalds as my weapon of choice. I don't throw it at them, I feed it to them.
  12. lePobz

    Boosting Modem Speeds

    FTTH. That is all.
  13. lePobz

    Are we human or are we dancer?

    It's a good tune, but my favourite Killers tracks are the 'oldies' (somebody told me / smile like you mean it / all these things) You people heard 'Show You How' ? It's not so popular, from the sawdust album. I think it's epic. If you play it loud enough :D
  14. lePobz

    Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

    haha, I just started a sit-down protest in the playstation home theatre ... I sat down behind someone, and a sitting-down queue formed behind me, about 30 others joined haha
  15. lePobz

    Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

    Yeah, I've had a 360 since release, and a Wii since release ... I bought a PS3 anyway. Even if you forget about the games (or current lack-of) its still a good blu-ray player, it's a great network media streamer, and a competent web browser (perfect for the HD telly). I paid 300 GBP for mine...
  16. lePobz

    Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

    The PS3 is a worthwhile purchase if you can afford one. If you can't, just stick to bashing them.
  17. lePobz

    xbox 360 arcade?

    yeah you can play any 360 game on the arcade. The difference is the lack of a HDD, but the arcades come with 256mb memory card (the new ones have it integrated). You can buy add-ons to turn the arcade into a regular 360. (namely a HDD and the HDMI cable - i think)
  18. lePobz

    Playstation HOME Launching Dec. 11 (That's tomorrow!!)

    Cool, this might be a laugh.
  19. lePobz

    Don't fap while driving

    This ****tard makes me so f***ing angry.
  20. lePobz

    Why the long face?

    He's well huang