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  1. lePobz

    why do they bother with such studies?

    Until they clone themselves, yes.
  2. lePobz

    Future Of Netbooks/Laptops

    I've got a samsung NC-10 with an atom N270 ... it's every bit as epic as the reviews say it is. Lovely 6-cell battery and low-drain CPU give me around 6 hours on a single charge. Obviously, if you want a gaming laptop, you don't want a netbook. That said, I installed Steam and ye-olde original...
  3. lePobz

    Help find a suspense action song

    I'd have gone for Clint Mansell - Lux Aeterna (two towers mix)
  4. lePobz


    I keep opening up google and clicking the news tab. I don't even like the news.
  5. lePobz

    Well fiddlesticks, someone stole my RX-7.

    Pitzy, do you love wankels?
  6. lePobz

    Suppose your desktop looks like this

    I got a funky effect like that back in the days when I overclocked a 266mhz pentium2 to 500mhz. It didn't just do that to the monitor though, it did that to every monitor and TV in the house. That CPU didn't last long :laugh:
  7. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    I just got the demo, it's a direct copy of geometery wars on the 360. The controls are the same, the style is the same, the skills are the same. It's a good game, but it's not my type. Whoever said motorstorm2 was good needs a good slap. It's nothing like the trailer, every aspect of it is a...
  8. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    News just in: Motorstorm 2 officially blows.
  9. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    It's a bit too geometery wars (360 game) ... Not really my type of game to be honest, thanks for the suggestion though :thumbs:
  10. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    It is a complete rip off, I've just ordered motorstorm 2 ... 34.99 GBP ... :(
  11. lePobz

    hot model has no belly button

    I saw that film too.
  12. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    Is motorstorm any good? the second one... anyone played it?
  13. lePobz

    hot model has no belly button

    Me too, not least because I can't do my 'I bet I can touch your belly button .... from the INSIDE!!!' pick up line on her. :(
  14. lePobz

    Internet connection partially working.

    If ip-direct services still work when named services such as servers or websites fail to resolve then i'd point the finger squarely at the domain name server. A good one to use is altohiway -
  15. lePobz

    hot model has no belly button

    The truth is, these are clones grown in test tubes.
  16. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    I've had a 360 since release, but the game pool has sort of dried up on that too for the moment ... that's why I went for GT5prologue and LBP. Same story with the wii - had since release but all the games are poop. :( Why does sony have to delay and cancel the only decent games in...
  17. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    This doesn't make any sense, and stinks of bullshi*t. If the first quote were true, they would resume development once those other titles were out the door (what titles are those, exactly?). The fact they have shelved it completely makes no sense.
  18. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    Noooooooooooo why? That looked amazing. Was it just a pre-rendered LIE to sell consoles?
  19. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    I'm just downloading WipeoutHD from the PSN store jobbie ... if thats no good then i'll consider your suggestion ;) I can't believe polyphony... I had a PSP imported from japan when they were released ... like 4 or 5 yeas ago. I sold that after a year of waiting, as they keeped pushing the...