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  1. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    I played the demo on 360 ... it's good but according to reviews the full game is really short and doesnt offer much more than the demo ... Games are stupidly expensive these days so I only really buy things that will last me more than a couple of days
  2. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    I'm up for co-op/vs but sony didn't provide me with a headset, which I really need for MP to be honest. Also, none of my gaming chums have PS3s, they're all on the 360. Probably why I'm not playing as much LBP as I should be. It's the 80gb PS3 I have, it's not backward compatible but I didn't...
  3. lePobz

    look at me i'm so cool...i've put a probe on the moon

    Less fortunate countries can dig a tunnel to the moon, as is common knowledge.
  4. lePobz

    New PS3 gathering dust ... ideas?

    I bought it a couple of weeks ago for GT5 prologue and LittleBigPlanet. I completed GT5p in 2 days and I'm bored senseless with LBP - now my PS3 is unused and gathering dust. What's good game-wise?
  5. lePobz

    Well fiddlesticks, someone stole my RX-7.

    You should invest in a toad cat1 alarm/immobiliser. When you get your rex back, I mean. Happy hunting
  6. lePobz

    Mobile phone!

    Samsung G800 at the mo. 3x optical zoomings! Upgrade due soon - Nokia N85 temptedings, or new iphone?
  7. lePobz

    Jeremy Clarkson Faces Potential Sacking By The BBC

    He forgot to put the porka GT2 time on the lap board. Sin! I couldn't stop laughing when he drove off in the camper van whilst may was on the sh*tter and hammond was in bed. :laugh:
  8. lePobz

    Happy birthday Cormeh!

    I'm 26, you twunt. You just upset me. Happy f***ing birthday.
  9. lePobz


    Work sucks, but I always relate my life to Office Space (the film) and it strangely makes me grin and bare it. Good luck finding a job you don't hate, or having enough babies to live off their benefits.
  10. lePobz

    Name this song!!! (please)

    Bump. Need this tune, help me damn you.
  11. lePobz


    I got this yesterday. It's really fun, specially doing the 'stayin alive' dance. The gameplay does get a little bit frustrating though due to the poor '3 layers' and the fact you dont really know which layer you're on relative to what everything else is on. That's just my opinion.
  12. lePobz

    Dead Rising 2

    The save system in Dead Rising f***ed it up for me. I loved the demo but seriously regret buying the full game. The radio beeping every 5 secs made it impossible to play for any length of time, too. If Dead Rising 2 is anything like the original (i.e has these features) then I won't waste any...
  13. lePobz

    Jeremy Clarkson Faces Potential Sacking By The BBC

    If truck drivers don't want to be associated with murdering prostitutes, they shouldn't murder prostitutes.
  14. lePobz

    Name this song!!! (please) What tune is that?? A million pounds to the first person to find it! :)
  15. lePobz

    Most Illegal Thing you've ever done

    My only crime was being brought into this godforsaken world, everything else is just collateral damage.
  16. lePobz


    At least the Xbox360 is fun. You'd never invite Jesus round to a shindig, unless your sole intent was to exploit his wine making abilities.
  17. lePobz

    How do you like your women/men?

    5 lies in a row. Is your mother proud of you, pitz?
  18. lePobz

    german to english

    Haha, epic mistake. Take it back and get a refund, you silly goose.
  19. lePobz

    Post a pic of your favorite t-shirt!

    Here's my fav t-shirt at the moment:
  20. lePobz

    Worst feeling: Kick out of UNI

    Lol, well I guess we're all different. I obviously don't aspire to much :laugh: