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  1. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    it's also only an 8-man team apparently... not being a fanboy here but that usually means game will go no where in terms of MMO. mmo's need big teams... to keep releasing expansions/updates/addons... how is an 8 man team going to afford everything? how long is it going to take to release the...
  2. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    o rly? i was told this... but i just clicked the link and read the april fools post... lol woops ;x
  3. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    was originally supposed to be an mmo but now its single player only with stargates like eve... they even announced the fact that it will have 5000 solar systems... like eve. meh.
  4. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    trials don`t justify this game at all... you need to give it more time afterwards ;p
  5. noisebleed

    No amount of drugs will prepare you for this..

    seen it before, but still leaves me speechless.
  6. noisebleed

    What kind of car do you drive?

    I don't drive... I've always lived downtown... so I take the bus ;x
  7. noisebleed

    Do you believe in aliens?

  8. noisebleed

    By the power of metal!

    the black dahlia murder rules.
  9. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    by the time any eve-like game will be released, we'll be able to walk and have meetings inside stations ;D
  10. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    false. the skill system advances while offline.
  11. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    yes of course it's for advertising but steam offers a lot of extra stuff... since you're connected through steam, you'll have the ability to open up steam community with shift+tab and the friends list. steam is good.
  12. noisebleed

    Behold, all the companies which have e-mailed me since the New Year

    what's the point of this? get an e-mail address, there's no spam.
  13. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    here. the english trailer
  14. noisebleed

    EVE-Online coming to Steam!

    if you liked ultima online you might like this one ( coming out summer 08 )
  15. noisebleed

    The Corporation

    watched this a couple years ago, great documentary.