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  1. Retrocide

    Boning and Animating

    Ok, the way you will want to go about riging in 3D studio max is first. Set up the skeleton, start from the pelvis out. After that make sure the model your tryign to rig is oen complete mesh, do this by converting one to an editabe mesh and then attaching each mesh together, once you've done...
  2. Retrocide

    Character model compiling

    I have all it's QC files set up and the models and animations it needs, but how do I compile it to where i can view it in the model viewer? Any help is appreciated.
  3. Retrocide

    character animationt toolkit

    Character studio, sorry I didn't exactly read your message completely. You could use Biped for that or set up your own kind of bones, but I'm not sure about the animation kit.
  4. Retrocide

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    Thank you all for your comments, and I have improved 50% on the chracter modeling by making it in less polygons, more organic and better looking (Still can't do faces.) as for the modification offers, I would gladly join them no question regardless of what kind of mod it is. However I'm packed...
  5. Retrocide

    character animationt toolkit

    Yes they do, infact Biped is probably the best bone rigging tool you can use.
  6. Retrocide

    Source Paintball

    Unfortunatly the mod has been closed, I now work with Xtreme Paintball as their modeler. Thankyou for your wanting to help.
  7. Retrocide

    Setting up bones.

    Ok, I need some in-depth detail about the bones. The bones are not moving the way I expected them to move, it doesn't react on their own when I select and move them, it instead takes the other bones and moves along with it. Are there specific settings I need to input for it to work?
  8. Retrocide

    Setting up bones.

    Well, now that I applied the Skin modifier what else is involved with getting them to work with the model?
  9. Retrocide

    Setting up bones.

    Well, having completed another character model just today, I was wandering, how can I set up the bones for a character model in 3DS max? I know you have to start with the bone tool, but just how do you rig it to where when moving the bone itself will move the polygons connected to it?
  10. Retrocide

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    Lol it was suppose to be a soldier, but nevermind that, having looked up on what basic poly counts should be for HL2 this kinda hits the spot, and I optimize all my modles.
  11. Retrocide

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    This model is at 5315 polygons, a bit more than I was after but. This isn't a well done model compared to other charater models. And thank you for the comments.
  12. Retrocide

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    Care to give us a demonstration of what you can do?
  13. Retrocide

    Source Paintball

    I can't verify this yet, but I belive this mod has been abandoned. Could be permanatly or temporary but from what I see it was becuase of lack of staff and intrest. This could turn around if only we can get some volunteers to help us out.
  14. Retrocide

    My first atempt at character modeling.

    Well lately I've been trying to learn how to character model and it has been slow few weeks. Today I have finally finished one up but I'm not sure of how good it looks, heres the picture. I could use suggestions of improvment if any.
  15. Retrocide

    Source Paintball

    It won't be done till its done however wer'e trying to work up a beta. Seeing as we still need some staff to help us specificly coders, UVW unwrappers, and texture artist that could be a while.
  16. Retrocide

    Source Paintball

    I think it has been a while since an update was posted here, and well we have one. The Bob Long Intimidator. Just for those who want to know our site and forums can be reached here. Source Paintball Were still in great need of staff, let us know what you can do to help!
  17. Retrocide

    MDL files

    Thank you very much for all your help.
  18. Retrocide

    MDL files

    This is a great site, has many many plugins for 3DS max 6 so it would be in your best intrest to visit for what you'll need (If you need.) , also theres plugins for 3DS max 5...
  19. Retrocide

    MDL files

    I have both MDL and SMD importer. Now I downloaded that program and it works fine except I can't find any of the models textures.
  20. Retrocide

    MDL files

    Is there any way of exporting the MDL files out of the model viewer folder? I have a 3DS max importer for MDL files but I cannot find that folder anywhere but the model viewer, and it won't let me take them out.