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    MMOs an utter waste of time

    It does, but it's very shallow compared to the ones that have the "grind." (From what I've heard.)
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    MMOs an utter waste of time

    /me suggests that Kage avoid the "grinding [monster]" phrase... ever since I had the misfortune of saying "Yeah, I'm grinding pirates in STV" I've avoided that term like the plauge.
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    Overnight shipping makes anything possible. :)
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    Bunker Buster Demonstration

    Bunker busters are small nukes iirc. Nukes = bad. As far as I know, they work on the same principle as tank-busting "shaped charges," which essentially melt a pathway to their target's core through the use of extremely high heat and constant propulsion.
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    Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Platform?

    Judging from your use of LW in my other thread, would I be correct in guessing that it's your favorite, TDE? (And if so, do you have any tutorials on hand?)
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    Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Platform?

    This is sort of like the "d00d what m0d3l1ng pr0g do u uz3?" threads, minus the "l33t speak" and plus some fore-knowledge. I'm hoping people can help me outline what each of the big packages' strengths and weaknesses are, to help me decide where to start. What I write below is based on what I've...
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    What is the Place of Digital Artists in the Future of Media?

    I bookmared it, to come back to when I have a hope of picking up all the details (though, in fairness, I got the broad picture, just not the details). :)
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    Winamp Application Error

    That's exactly what I was thinking of, thanks! (Knew it started with Q, or thought I did... didn't want to go talking about some "Q player" no one knew about.)
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    Gamespot's Prey Q&A

    Prey has undergone a ridiculously complex life-cycle that most games would not have surivved. That was on old Unreal tech, I believe, the new game is based on Q4 tech. (If I remember correctly from the PCGUS cover story.)
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    MMOs an utter waste of time

    At least MMOs offer some sort of feedback/long-term "gain." Your traditional SP/MP game offers nothing over an MMO, just a less quantifiable way for you to judge the way you spent your time. For the socially minded, like myself (on some levels), MMOs are as much a way to meet people and make...
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    Half-Life: War - Multiplayer Mod Needs Coders

    Props to you for getting as far as you have, and whipping as many neat-looking models as you have. To echo some others, I can't code ('least on the level required for this beast!), but if I can help in some other capacity (art and writing being your best bets), send me a PM and I'd love to help.
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    Avid modeling competition

    Do they have a way of knowing whether or you made in in Mod Tool or imported it?
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    What is the Place of Digital Artists in the Future of Media?

    At risk of making a bad impression and infuriating someone who just spent what would appear to be at least 30 minutes on a post for my benefit, most of that went over my head. I was posting this in part to alleviate my own concerns about digital art's long-term career viability before throwing...
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    Winamp Application Error

    Alrighty, since no one has any ideas, does anyone know any free media players out there that work as well? WMP doesn't even work for me. :(
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    What is the Place of Digital Artists in the Future of Media?

    That's both encouraging and discouraging in one post. Nice one :dozey: :)
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    What is the Place of Digital Artists in the Future of Media?

    Looks as though I have my work cut out for me then. Thanks for the feedback! :)
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    What is the Place of Digital Artists in the Future of Media?

    Having been reading about the technological details in engines like UE3.0 - as far as I can tell, obscene levels of detail and quality - and about games like Will Wright's Spore - dynamic animation - I've been wondering where the artist fits into production in schemes like these. For UE3, it...
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    Winamp Application Error

    Nope, no plugins here (that I remember installing), especially after I deleted my WA folder to reinstall.
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    Winamp Application Error

    The problem is that the old version gives the error too - I've reDLed and reinstalled, but the problem is universal to Winamp for some reason (though nothing else seems affected).
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    Winamp Application Error

    I just updated Winamp from 5.04 (which had the error as well) to 5.09 and I'm still getting the following error, any help you can offer would be awesome. (Image attached.)