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  1. gordons_crowbar

    If you could have a theme song...

    bury me in smoke - down \m/
  2. gordons_crowbar

    Who would win?

    if gordo's got the organic manipulating grav gun, it's really no contest... and CommunistPenguin, teh "Energy ball of death" pwns j00 all. :naughty:
  3. gordons_crowbar

    Which ATI drivers do you use?

  4. gordons_crowbar

    What's the most climactic moment in Half-Life 2?

    the three striders in the citadel when you are in the transport. hell, that whole sequence. the first battle with the gunship on highway 17. teleporting at the end of nova prospekt has the combine elite come running in... ah, teh goodness. :smoking:
  5. gordons_crowbar

    Secret Vortigaunt in Water Kanal?

    try this thread.
  6. gordons_crowbar

    Least favirote chapter?

    nope. :cheers:
  7. gordons_crowbar

    Least favirote chapter?

    dark matter. because it's the last chapter. :angry: /probably been said already //didn't read entire thread :p
  8. gordons_crowbar

    Looney Toons is now officially raped :(

    and i'll be there with absinthe, cheering it on. why must they f*ck with legends? :x oh, and i WOULD still watch looney toons, but cartoon network seems to have shelved their inventory. at least during my hours of operation.
  9. gordons_crowbar

    Stunstick vs. Crowbar

    in a stark contradiction to my name, i'll have to choose the stunstick. it looks cooler. :smoking:
  10. gordons_crowbar

    Lame problem since update.

    the only problem i've had was normally stable servers being a little buggy, especially on steam lab.
  11. gordons_crowbar

    What do you think of the Update?

    i didn't think too much of the slam, but the the other additions were f'in' awesome. there was one point in steamlab where the all the players were using the melee weapons. running into a room with 10 players holding either stun sticks or crowbars trying to bash each other just pwns...
  12. gordons_crowbar

    Why HL2 sucks: Invulnerability of NPCs

    i thought the lowering of the weapon was a very nice touch... and Foebane: basing your love or hate solely on NPC killing is kind of limiting, isn't it? /late to the thread.
  13. gordons_crowbar

    xbox recalling power cords

    i was aiming more for the possibility of the free cord. :naughty:
  14. gordons_crowbar

    xbox recalling power cords

    yeah, the xbox site is geographically tailored... aww ain't that sweet of gates and crew. :rolleyes:
  15. gordons_crowbar

    xbox recalling power cords

    bill gates' behemoth is recalling and replacing xbox power cords because of potential fire hazards. good chance to replace that old crappy one. for free. :cheese: read more here.
  16. gordons_crowbar

    half life2 godfather

    arggg. i searched it too (keywords: half life 2, godfather)... :flame: :flame:
  17. gordons_crowbar

    half life2 godfather

    i'm not sure if this has been posted (i did a search) but here is an image-based version of the godfather movie using half life 2 characters rendered in garry's mod. :naughty: funny shit, especially some of those facial expressions. if this is a repost, all apologies. if not, have fun...
  18. gordons_crowbar

    Diamond advertisements piss me off!

    that is, hands-down, one of the greatest things i have ever seen. it's better than taxidermy.
  19. gordons_crowbar

    Just Preordered a psp

    duh. :dork: my bad, mine was an EARLY photo.
  20. gordons_crowbar

    Just Preordered a psp

    here's an image of it. that screen is freakin' ridiculous.