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  1. gordons_crowbar

    Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope

    oh shit. i forgot about that. that was farking awesome!!!!!!1111! :cheese:
  2. gordons_crowbar

    GMail Expanding Beta Test? Tons of Invites Avalible

    they'll never take gmail out of beta. much like google news, which has been in beta for 2+ years.
  3. gordons_crowbar

    Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope

    i enjoyed their treatment of jar-jar. ;)
  4. gordons_crowbar

    Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope

    ahh, it was warranted. i know how spoilers can hurt the enjoyment factor. /pain medication's workin'
  5. gordons_crowbar

    Which of the two forum colors do you use?

    bah. take your tan colors you heathens. blue or NOTHING. :p
  6. gordons_crowbar

    Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope

    a thousand apologies, sir. :angel:
  7. gordons_crowbar

    Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope

    yeah. the pregnancy test was keen. :naughty:
  8. gordons_crowbar

    possible glitch?

    thanks hazar. :cheers: that's exactly where that motherf***er was. grrrr. :flame: :sniper: :flame: i must have missed him the 100 other times i back-tracked through there. altho, i obviously wasn't thorough enough...
  9. gordons_crowbar

    possible glitch?

    during follow freeman, when you have to go into the combine nexus and destroy the generators, isn't barney supposed to come open the exit door? this is my second time playing thru the single player and i can't quite remember. anyway, the possible glitch i've found is that AFTER destroying...
  10. gordons_crowbar

    who would you like to play as?

    gman. goin around and recruiting other potential "agents" would be kinda neat. not very action packed though.
  11. gordons_crowbar

    Favorite shipping company?

    fark UPS. that is all.
  12. gordons_crowbar

    Does drugs make you "cool"?

    wasn't the picture Prince of China is referring to from hannibal (silence of the lambs sequel)?
  13. gordons_crowbar

    My car is made of chrome

    agreed. the pic has been shopped. this bmw, on the other hand, is not.
  14. gordons_crowbar

    boys aged 9 and 10 arrested for drawing

    nuttin' like a little mob mentality, aye? f|uke's description is exactly why this happened. and in cases like these, preventive measures are probably better, as opposed to reactive ones. altho, i think some sort of psychological exam would have been more appropriate.
  15. gordons_crowbar

    Do you think weed is ok?

    out of curiousity, do you blame pot for the things you described above?
  16. gordons_crowbar

    Do you think weed is ok?

    and a lot of the smartest people i know do to. so what does that tell you?
  17. gordons_crowbar

    boys aged 9 and 10 arrested for drawing

    a farking felony? for drawing? it may have been a threatening illustration, but damn. but, i can always play devil's advocate. what if these arrests prevented a potential columbine (yes, i know they are 9 and 10)? do the ends then justify the means?
  18. gordons_crowbar

    Does drugs make you "cool"?

    i've actually had exactly that happen to me. i turned down a bump and the dude thought i was a cop. nice reasoning there.
  19. gordons_crowbar

    star wars: Darth Vader

    do you really think that was his mentality in 70s when actually wrote the SW story. there weren't any SW geeks when that happened. ;) i think you are confusing MODERN george lucas with the one who actually cared about his audience...