star wars: Darth Vader


Jan 13, 2005
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Did you guys know that Vader as in "Darth Vader" means "father" in Dutch?
i want to go watch the first 3 movies now hahah not the new episode x ones..
The Dark Elf said:
It originally came from Dark Father. ending up as Darth Vader.

Damn I always thought everyone knew that, it's so obvious.
But anyways doesn anyone have any idea why George named him like that, I mean why, to me it's just stupid, like your trying to act cool, so that every SW geek on the planet can diss somenone when they say Dark Father or Dark Vader instead, I mean who gives a sh*t. I't just irritating.
I always considered to be some kind of light jab at the Germans.

Think about it. Storm Troopers? The Nazi-esque uniforms the officers have? "Vader" just struck me as a thinly veiled allusion to "Vater", the German word for "Father".
I'm sure it came as quite a shock to american audiences when Vader said he was Lukes father.

I can imagine it now.. "Oh, snap!"

Ok, maybe they wouldn't have said that in 1980. Hell if I'd know, I was only 4.
Grey Fox said:
But anyways doesn anyone have any idea why George named him like that, I mean why, to me it's just stupid, like your trying to act cool, so that every SW geek on the planet can diss somenone when they say Dark Father or Dark Vader instead, I mean who gives a sh*t. I't just irritating.

do you really think that was his mentality in 70s when actually wrote the SW story. there weren't any SW geeks when that happened. ;)

i think you are confusing MODERN george lucas with the one who actually cared about his audience...
Grey Fox said:
Damn I always thought everyone knew that, it's so obvious.
But anyways doesn anyone have any idea why George named him like that, I mean why, to me it's just stupid, like your trying to act cool, so that every SW geek on the planet can diss somenone when they say Dark Father or Dark Vader instead, I mean who gives a sh*t. I't just irritating.
I think a lot of the names in Star Wars was made up like that, changing the odd letter around or getting idea's from other languages. Lots of writers work like that, its nothing new. I certainly prefer Darth Vader over Dark Father which just sounds lame to me heh.
In episode III Anakin will turn into Darth Vader. Maybe the name will be explained then.
In episode III Anakin will turn into Darth Vader. Maybe the name will be explained then.

it was just explained... I don't see how it could mean anything else.
Joims said:
Star wars < Than Matrix trilogy and LOTR trilogy
the original 3 star wars were good. the second 2 Matrix were bleh, and LOTR was clearly awesome all the way
Many bothans died to bring you this thread...

Joims, Star wars > Anything else.

Im one of the few who like the new films, I wanna hit people who dislike it to "Fit in" the ones who just dislike it cus they think it sucks are fine :p

Im currently watching the making of on the sw:t dvd....again, I am a nerd :(
Joims said:
Star wars < Than Matrix trilogy and LOTR trilogy

Not cool, not cool at all, in fact this statement literally made me want to strangle you. I am a rabid old-school star-wars fan, how dare you............... :angry:

The Matrix trilogy is vomit fyi, the first movie was decent then the rest cant even really qualify as B movies. LOTR is comperable although based on books.

The Matrix trilogy... PFFFT!
babyheadcrab said:
Not cool, not cool at all, in fact this statement literally made me want to strangle you. I am a rabid old-school star-wars fan, how dare you............... :angry:

The Matrix trilogy is vomit fyi, the first movie was decent then the rest cant even really qualify as B movies. LOTR is comperable although based on books.

The Matrix trilogy... PFFFT!

Took the words out of my mouth. :thumbs:
Joims said:
Matrix trilogy

What trilogy LOL

I watched Episode 1 again recently and I couldn't believe how basic it was. The whole thing is just so freakin... amateur.

Lucas stole that scene transition effect from Akira Kurosawa :O

Man this is getting me horny.
rpgprog said:
Did you guys know that Vader as in "Darth Vader" means "father" in Dutch?


Rank=could be large or big

Big Daddy
in polish hunters' speak vadera means 'female wolf'.

...but I think that it is completely irrelevant to the sw universe:p

SW > LOTR >>>>>> the matrix 'trilogy'

because: SW is an open world, it's fairly easy to create endless stories, before, after or parallel to known events. besides it's an icon of culture, something that invented the whole genre and modern s-f cinema.

what most annoyed me about the matrix II and III was that the movies tried to be better than they possibly could. the story was thin, really held no surprises. but what was even worse was that effing product placement... I just hate it when logos and brands are sometimes more important that the story or the characters...
Joims said:
Star wars < Than Matrix trilogy and LOTR trilogy

Star Wars and LOTR is up here.

Matrix is down here.

Theres no comparing a classic (or classic story in LOTR's case) to the Matrix.
what most annoyed me about the matrix II and III was that the movies tried to be better than they possibly could. the story was thin, really held no surprises. but what was even worse was that effing product placement... I just hate it when logos and brands are sometimes more important that the story or the characters...

I always though that about the old SW films and especially matrix 1, I mean I just don't see what people like about it. The story is stupid,( and yeah I do understand it, but stil it's very simple and could only IMO be interesting to people who don't even know what a computer is), almos tall of the cool action is at the end, and it's not that cool, the bullettime was allready used in lost in space, so that is nothing new. It's just a stupid movie, the second one had a good story, had lots of good action, timed well.

The same goes for SW episode II, wonderfull movie, best Sw ever, has good and rich storyline, great special effects, good action, Yoda fighting, yoda fighting, yoda fighting, yoda fighting. And even without the Yoda fight seen it would be the cooles sw movie.
The old movies were so predictable, this one wasn't.
Grey fox, when Star Wars: A New Hope came out I dont think there was anything predictable about it....i mean they had lightsabers.....the whole luke i am you father thing....and there were aliens/cool technology. Thats what made it so great.
The old films are "predictable" now as there not the only space fantasy film around. You got to remember that in 1975 (Or was it 76? I forget) that there was NOTHING like it, the only other big space film around was Space Oddesy(sp?) 2001. Nothing like it had came out, back then it was hardly "predictable"..
Matrix one is very, very good. And the original Star Wars films bar Empire Strikes Back are good but not great.

Anyway, the newer two Star Wars films (and I'm not just saying this because I think it's cool) were not nearly as good. They weren't awful, but they weren't good. The first was hit and miss. Lightsabre battle and Podracers = good. Naboo battle and most of the non-action bits = bad. The second was around one and a half hours of utter rubbish (with really bad dialogue) punctuated by quite good action sequences, and one half-hour or so of amazing action on the end.

And Lord of the Rings owns.
The old SW had everything predictable about them, I'm not talking about the lightsabers and the universe, cause that doesn't matter, because those things are allready known to the public before they see the movie, I mean I'm your not gonna go watc hthe movie and be surprised there are lightsabers in it, I'm talking about the story, it very much generic, you peel away all the effects and the wondefull world around it, there isn't much left, the plot is paper thin. And don't be saying that it was good for it's time, cause it wasn't, DR.Strangelove came before SW and was way better, one of the best movies ever made IMO. Go watch that, and you'll se why Kubrick was considerd a genius.

The first Matrix was one of the biggest dissapointments ever, It had abslotely nothing going for it, Bad predictable story, good action, although it was all shown in the trailers so it wasn't very fun either, it had no good plottwists, nothing to keep you on the edge of your seat, or atleast your attantion. At least the second had good twists, and was pretty unpredictable, and had very good action.
Grey Fox said:
The old SW had everything predictable about them, I'm not talking about the lightsabers and the universe, cause that doesn't matter, because those things are allready known to the public before they see the movie, I mean I'm your not gonna go watc hthe movie and be surprised there are lightsabers in it, I'm talking about the story, it very much generic, you peel away all the effects and the wondefull world around it, there isn't much left, the plot is paper thin. And don't be saying that it was good for it's time, cause it wasn't, DR.Strangelove came before SW and was way better, one of the best movies ever made IMO. Go watch that, and you'll se why Kubrick was considerd a genius.

It was good for its time....and still is good.

Grey Fox said:
The first Matrix was one of the biggest dissapointments ever, It had abslotely nothing going for it, Bad predictable story, good action, although it was all shown in the trailers so it wasn't very fun either, it had no good plottwists, nothing to keep you on the edge of your seat, or atleast your attantion. At least the second had good twists, and was pretty unpredictable, and had very good action.

I thought the first matrix was great.
You guys ask way too much from a movie. The fact it's predictable or doesn't have an amazing story doesn't necessarily make it an awful movie.

In my opinion they're (Star Wars and the first Matrix) brilliantly pieced together, with a solid story that fits the action and keeps you interested, and the effects were groundbreaking for the time and still hold up to an extent.

The second two Matrix films were all over the place storywise, the action was superficial and in some cases overly drawn out (albeit pretty impressive), and the cool factor seemed tacked on. And Neo being the One just ruined the feel that the first film had. What happened to the awesome gun battles? Oh yeah, Neo.
ou guys ask way too much from a movie. The fact it's predictable or doesn't have an amazing story doesn't necessarily make it an awful movie.

Yes it does, that definatly makes an awful movie, it makes it boring and unintersting, a totally shitty,atleast for me.

But if you wanna know how I think, read this, it's by terri rosario, a sreenplay writer. I agree with absolutely with everything he says, the best movies I have ever seen fit that description. Now the secons matrix and episode 2 don't fit all the catagories, they are not that original but the old sw and first matrix doesn't fit any so that makes it for me stupid.
Oh yeah and I even thought the first RE movie was great, it definatly fitted a lot of criteria

It was good for its time....and still is good.
Watch Dr.Strangelove, and you'll se it was never good and never will be.
Grey Fox said:
The old SW had everything predictable about them, I'm not talking about the lightsabers and the universe, cause that doesn't matter, because those things are allready known to the public before they see the movie, I mean I'm your not gonna go watc hthe movie and be surprised there are lightsabers in it, I'm talking about the story, it very much generic, you peel away all the effects and the wondefull world around it, there isn't much left, the plot is paper thin. And don't be saying that it was good for it's time, cause it wasn't, DR.Strangelove came before SW and was way better, one of the best movies ever made IMO. Go watch that, and you'll se why Kubrick was considerd a genius.

Lucas made SW to be a "Classic" tale of Good Vs Evil (Rebels vs Empire) with a classic bad guy (Vader), classic young hero (Luke) the old mentor (Obi), the "Dashing" one who was not really a hero (Han) and the damsel in distress (The Princess). He took those parts from old myths and stuff. The story is not ment to be vastly deep, its ment to be a classic good vs evil story, just set in a nonclassic place, space.

I forget what term Lucas used for it, but its the kind of story thats timeless, even if the efx are not, but people 50 years from now will still watch star wars and like it, if not for the efx, then for the story.

If you dislike it because your looking for somthing with a deeper plot, or whatever, dont slate the movies as being bad just due your, in my opinion, bad taste.
You're comparing a Cold War satire to a sci-fi film? Apples and oranges, my friend.

And as much as I liked Dr. Strangelove, it still had its flaws. The flight scenes often went on for ages and delved into tedium, and there just didn't seem to to be a whole lot of plot development. The actual character of Dr. Strangelove isn't even integral to the movie.

Was the basic plotline of Star Wars amazing? Not really. Big bad empire is being fought by a rebellion, a hero rises above the rest, etc... But it had good dialogue, great plot twists, an exciting and interesting universe, great special FX (for the time), and a vast and deep mythology. Put in the context of the 70's-80's and you have something new and breathtaking.
Grey Fox said:
the first RE movie was great


^ Your credibility.
Original Star Wars > Any other sci-fi based film ever.
The best thing about star wars isn't the movies, although 4, 5, and 6 are superb. The best thing is, the universe which has been created about it. Like all the tidbits of information you can find in the tabletop roleplaying game books, etc. Just simply amazing stuff.