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  1. F

    8 new vidéos on gamespot

    You've got te be kiddin' me, they did WHAT!?
  2. F

    Something HAS to be done about certain sprays!

    Could you tell me, without visual assistance what the content of the site is?
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    New VtM:B preview!

    Ah great, everybody seems to be so frustrated on the internet these days. Even me at some times. Glad there are some relaxed guys around. :)
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    New VtM:B preview!

    Huh? Hey I just asked why you thought they where dodgy, it's not like I was shooting at you right? The first screenshot: It looks quite OK to me, why does it have to be better than HL2, just cause it uses the source engine? Look at the dress that woman is wearing, looks great to me, no hooks...
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    Have you played Redemption?

    Played it, and for that time is was really a nice looking game. Verry nice indeed. Surely the gameplay and so wasn't really much and the story was plain crazy(sure, butcher the Cappadocians, and get forgiven for that and a cappadocian coterie member!) but it was fun while using cheats. :)
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    The Gangrel flaw.

    Storyteller is the guy that sits next to your fellow players and explains the situation and asks you what to do. Like the DM(I believe?) -Dungeon master in Dungeons and Dragons games. EDIT: And you get one free with the game!! :bounce:
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    New VtM:B preview!

    Dodgy? How, they look really really nice to me actually.
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Rolls around laughing hysterically.
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Hah! Well, I guess we are all frustrated about this game and excited at the same time. And maybe if you ask Gabe nicely. :)
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Don't be an ass, you are as excited about HL as we all are. Perhaps you would like to have a bas SP game with a crappy multiplayer? And if you think valve sucks, why the hell you have 164 posts? I kinda get the idea you wouldn't even appreciate it if valve came by and handed the game to you...
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Aah you see ;) I think it'll be ok after a few updates. They are a verry buisy company and eh, in Holland we have a said that goed "Je moet een gegeven paard nooit in de bek kijken." Free rough translation "Never look a given horse in the mouth." I see CSS as a pre-release present from...
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Yo, its not PHP :D
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    You are not answering my question mr.Mortiz. ;)
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Be honest now, would you rather have it that they would release it with HL2? Or do you still prefer playing it, though buggy, before the game should actually be out?
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Well, maybe Doug was feeling good and gave away an interview for the o so spoiled(there! ;)) Gabe groupies who would even like to know what kind of underwear Gabe wears. So, the questions where un-answerable, its not like they are planning on telling you every bloody thing they are planning on...
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    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    Allready Valve has been more open to gamers and still they are complaining they want to keep stuff for themselves. Tell me, honestly, of how many games you knew a release candidate was being send? It's not a real life soap...
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    New VtM:B preview!

    Nice new screens too.
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    But, what is it actually? Is it some guys playing real life CS with guns that shoot eh, little plastic balls?
  19. F

    The Gangrel flaw.

    Hey cool. But what's with the die rolling? Thanks for the link! EDIT: Hey cool, you get a free ST with the game!! "Advantage: Lunatic's Insight. Once per story, the Malkavian may make a Mental roll (difficulty 4); if she succeeds, she may ask the Storyteller one yes-or-no question about...
  20. F

    HL1 Memories

    Hm, I just ran away as fast as I could, and it worked for me :) Though I hate the snark stuff you have to face next. EDIT: My first time was from an illegal copy. I played the game and found myself amazed at the enormous realistic robot movement(the yellow one). It was absolutely great. So...