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  1. C

    U.S. uses napalm gas in Fallujah

    its a war until they stop fighting back. because, as you know, we have to wait for them to fire the first shot, according to the geneva convention.
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    US soldier admits mercy killing Iraqi teen

    help from where?
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    The U.S must stop suporting Israel

    wow. this defies logic, but being in germany i can understand how you wouldn't understand the bond between america and israel. read this and i think you'll understand that its not just the us supporting israel.
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    US soldier admits mercy killing Iraqi teen

    a human life most certainlyis a human life. but remember this is a war. its them or us. wait, wait, sorry, my bad, i forgot the international philosiphy on war. why make them die when we can instead? as for him not being an insurgent... i don't care. at least this soldier had the decency to...
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    U.S. uses napalm gas in Fallujah

    just out of spite, i'd like to point out that the bush administration is marginally forced to lie to keep the critics from poncing all over them. when you think about it, it really IS a bad idea to leave something like napalm out in the open, because the human rights assholes jump all over it...
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    How to be an asshole in one lesson.

    i pity her and think she should be spayed. anybody that stupid should be forcibly kept from breeding. she reminds me of the chicken lady we have locally.
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    Moral Values Debate

    this is really opening a can of worms. but here goes. first, i'm AGAINST religion in office. if you look at history, you can see how screwed we are if we keep the jesus assholes in power. the crusades, the salem witch trials, the inquisiton, religion and politics combined have killed more...
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    US soldier admits mercy killing Iraqi teen

    this has probably been stated, but i think this is a good thing. whats that, outrage? stop and think before you bitch. i think its a good thing because the kid probably had two options: option one is to live, be interrogated using the rules of a religious radical (donald rumsfeld) before...
  9. C

    blue shift 2?

    i've been playing around with the idea of trying to put together a mod team for a new blue shift. is this idea copyrighted? is anyone doing this? is it an official expansion or something? i've got a ton of ideas for this, so i'm trying to figure out whats holding me back, other than the usual...
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    just because its bugging me, how did barney actually get YOUNGER in ten years? in hl1 he seemed like this crusty old ex-military guy in his declining years working the land as a security guard. now he's suddenly some nifty undercover cop/special agent with mild sex appeal and a general's...
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    my thoughts on realism.

    with that logic, we as a species would have died out a long time ago. the first person to say that would have been good should remember that i see you as small, tasty, and crunchy like bacon.
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    need help finding info on the secret russian town

    there IS a city in russia thats existance, until recently, has been denied. i don't remember the name, however. ironically, the seat of power for the combine is also where the worlds most powerful nuclear explosives were researched and developed.
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    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    when your running along a cliff and try to spit over the edge, only to get a gob on the screen you forgot was there. this happened to me.
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    Legal issues with Steam

    parents movement getting dicky? about a game? this is the kind of thing that i hate. anybody with half a drop of common sense would laugh their asses off at any parents movement who wanted to ban a piece of media just because the parents weren't responsible enough to check it out thoroughly in...
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    where is this gun?

    if anyone here is familiar with the rather obscure pnp rpg ALTERNITY, they'll understand when i say that pyrokinesis and an 11mm mass pistol would have kicked ass.
  16. C

    where is this gun?

    nope, those are mp5-k's. trust me, i'm probably one of the only people here who's actually fired one. the difference is that in an mp7, the magazine goes into the rear handle, giving it the advantage of longer barrel length. also, the front handle on an mp-7 folds up so that the gun can be used...
  17. C

    Help!!! How To Put On My Damn Suit

    i've pressed the button to get the suit. it worked fine when barney was bitching about the pet headcrab, and i just hopped in my good old orange jumper and ran over and charged up.
  18. C

    Awesome explosion

    actually, with my twisted imagination, that avatar doesn't look sexy, it looks gross: in the sense that if you squint, it looks like a strip of cloth going around some guys right armpit when viewed from the back. keep in mind i hadn't slept for thirty six hours when i said this. and while...
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    They should have added more weapons...

    they should have. flash bangs, incindiaries, molotove cocktails, a machine pistol or a mid-caliber (a forty-five would have been sufficient), a real sniper rifle, and i would personally have loved to see a new barnacle gun (last seen in opposing force). that thing could have been SOOOOOO COOL...
  20. C

    where is this gun?

    another point: why do your squad-mates have mp5k's? i never saw THOSE in the final game either. is there some treasure trove of models somewhere thats just not in the game, waiting for some modder to dig them up?