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  1. C

    Race X - Bad or good Idea

    yeah... op for was fun and all that, but it was pretty dumb.... especially the barnacle gun.
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    Heckler & Koch MP7 Grenade Madness

    i just hope that you actually have to reload your grenade launcher in this one... rather then being able to somehow fire 9 grenades in rapid succession. that ruined HL mp.
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    Firearms Halflife 2.9 Released!

    aww, 2.5 was the best half-life mod EVER. 2.6 was wicked, but then it all went downhill. its pretty good, its just not NEARLY as fun as it was during 2.5.
  4. C

    Dr. Breen on the screen

    No man, Dr.Breen is like Dr.Proton from duke nukem... where as he will constantly taunt you from within his blasted video screen! the bastard!
  5. C

    Blood curdling zombie scream

    yeah, it had what apeared to be headcrabbed human corpses. i want head crabbed aliens.
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    Blood curdling zombie scream

    man, i hope this game has non-human head crabbed... things.
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    Blood curdling zombie scream

    i thought it was extremely cool. the'zombies' where screaming in freaking agony because they where on fire. you would too.
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    HL2 Multiplayer = Shocking

    cs has nothing ot do with hl2, so why the elastic jesus would it be the only component of hl2 multiplayer? thats dumb. there is obviously going to be traditional deathmatch, otherwise valve doesnt know how to make games. its simple.
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    if you thought you wouldn't have to pay for play...

    Wow. You are a huge dork, and an ass hole.
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    Halflife the movie

    I sure hope they dont make a movie. If they do it will be a movie BASED on half-life, not Half-Life: the movie. how can you have a movie where the main character doesnt speak?
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    Interesting Observations - Just beat OP4 again

    i would not bother reading too much into any events from OpFor, seeing as it has no bearing on the story in HL2.
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    Quake 4

    matrix style effects? oh no :laugh:
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    XEN and beyond

    Got some pretty good theorys there. We will just have to wait for HL2 to find out what happened to the rest of the outside world after the 'accident' in HL. Certainly the 'Alien Invasion' would not have been confined only within Black Mesa? also i do not think that the Expansions will have any...
  14. C


    i do not think half-life 2 will have anything to do with opposing force. so, the HeadCrab life cycle is still somewhat of a mystery.