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  1. T

    Originus Overwatchus

    You know, I think you are absolutely right (minus the whole sex thing, which was weird). The Combine did become so dependent on technology that the only thing they ever exercised was their brain, which is why they are so fat and worthless but so technologically advanced. It also makes sense...
  2. T

    Cremator pics.

    Is that a forum rule, no posting pics from beta? (Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob myself.)
  3. T

    Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot

    Gordon had just recently finished getting his doctorate at MIT when he was deep-selected to go work for Dr. Kleiner and Breen at the Black Mesa research facility. It doesn't mention anywhere in his background or curriculum vitae any military training. That being said, Gordon was supposedly...
  4. T

    Coolest sounding features of Aftermath, yo.

    I would kill for a two-player cooperative mode where you could play as either Alyx or Gordon. Of course, Alyx wouldn't be as good in combat as Gordon, but would have other abilities - hacking, that little taser thing that opens Combine doors, and the ability to climb things other than ladders -...
  5. T

    A newbie's offering

    Well, I admit to being a little discouraged by the lack of a response, but I thought maybe people might like it better if it was perhaps a bit longer. So, I bring you the second installment. The One Free Man “I never feel right killing zombies,” she confided to her partner when he dropped...
  6. T

    Head Crabs

    Sounds like a much-needed mod, to me. Or maybe a foe for Aftermath! That would be very cool.
  7. T

    Gordon Freeman is a bumbling idiot

    I'd buy it! Instead of weapons, you'd have different cryptic speech options and clues, and your mission objectives would be to show up, be seen, and then disappear again before people could reach you! :dozey: Aw, come on, it would be fun! Hey, where are you all going? Come back!
  8. T

    Originus Overwatchus

    "100 sterilization credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation." I think this, by itself, is sufficient argument that even the Overwatch soldiers are still at least partly human under all that black armor. It's been noted elsewhere that the Combine encourage humanity to suppress...
  9. T

    The rest of the world.

    Actually, I imagine that developed but demilitarised nations like Ireland, Saudi Arabia, and maybe Greece are the hottest places of anti-Combine resistance.
  10. T

    Head Crabs

    Well, as I postulated before, the headcrabs probably evolved with their typical "prey" being a humanoid something with an obvious head... and, especially in science fiction, creatures can become endlessly inventive in their will to survive. Really, being able to parisitically mutate hosts into...
  11. T

    The rest of the world.

    Malted, huh? I didn't know the Combine dipped it in a sweet chocolate-type mixture. *grins* Just kidding, of course. Well, Antarctica can't melt, per se, because there's a lot of solid land under that ice, but I'm sure the water was siphoned off so that the Combine could gain access to the...
  12. T

    something I was wondering about the vortigaunts in the latest episodes

    Er... *dons his protective n00b gear* What does "ftw" mean?
  13. T

    something I was wondering about the vortigaunts in the latest episodes

    Vorts can't teleport at will. Their mysterious appearances throughout HL1 were caused by the almost random porting of the Nihilanth-powered dimensional rift. If they could teleport at will, I'm pretty sure that one of the Resistance Vorts would have teleported to the Citadel, flash-fried...
  14. T

    Connect the dots for me

    That's true, I had forgotten he picked that piece of rubble off her shirt. Hmm... that bears further contemplation. Also, the Vortigaunts don't work for the Gman specifically, he manipulates them just as he manipulates everyone else. The Gman seems to have taken the side of the rebels...
  15. T

    The Half-Life Fact File

    I had thought that Gman's plan for Gordon involved the teleporter, which the Resistance got working on the VERY SAME DAY that Gordon shows up... hence, summoning him beforehand could have gotten him killed (and Freeman is the Gman's pet project, so killing him would force the Gman to rely on...
  16. T

    something I was wondering about the vortigaunts in the latest episodes

    Whereas the highly-motivated, ill-trained, undernourished but heroically brave humans fit the role of "cannon-fodder" to a "T." Although I can see Vorts as operations officers or executive officers to Resistance units, because they can communicate with the other units and with headquarters...
  17. T

    A newbie's offering

    A newbie to the board, that is, not a newbie to the world of fan-fiction! Some of my other stuff (not Half-Life related) can be found at . Urban Clearance The team fanned through the abandoned house, weapons at the ready. The two men in front shouted a warning...
  18. T

    Music of HL2: Saturation Engine

    Well, I think it's very cool, an interesting mix of the in-game sounds.
  19. T

    Head Crabs

    A thought or two... I always figured that the headcrabs are native to Xen, just like the bullsquids, houndeyes, barnacles and (?)Vortigaunts. Now, we've seen both bullsquids and Vortigaunts eat headcrabs - this implies to me that the small, quick, ominivorous headcrabs are very near the bottom...