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  1. nc17


    I never said that Matrix was based off of HL or the other way around I just was pointing out similarities The GMan and Agent Smith are so alike its insane
  2. nc17

    At how much fps would you consider the game being unplayable?

    I get between 70-130 in the leak even though it is missing alot of it's advanced features it won't change much
  3. nc17

    At how much fps would you consider the game being unplayable?

    Anything under 40 fps anoys me in current games so it will probly be the same in hl2 But i havnt gotten under 60 fps in any of my games since i bought my 5900 ultra
  4. nc17

    Gabe in his younger years.

    I really hope he takes some time off after hl2 and takes care of himself
  5. nc17


    Yeah, anime is pretty lame
  6. nc17

    Ant Lion Color Scheme

    I believe they just changed some of the antlion art The latest antlions (in the flashlight pic) are normal mapped and obviously have a new skin I liked the old orangeish skins but thye lacked normal maps
  7. nc17

    19" lcd samsung syncmaster192n for Half-Life 2

    There is no LCD right now that i would recomend for gamming because of motion blur There isn't an lcd out right now that has the refresh rate of a CRT Your best bet is to get a 20" flat screen CRT if your main use for it is going to be gamming
  8. nc17

    HL2 Bink Video: Psyche

    There is some sort of link between the GMan and Gordon i just know it If Gordon is getting ready to kill the GMan in the end of HL2 and the GMan says "Gordon, i am your father" i am going to laugh my ass off . . .
  9. nc17

    HL2 and CS:S now on Steam's Update History

    It has been stated by a few people at valve in emails posted in these forums and one of the recent interviews (with cliffe i think) They didn't say that we would be able to play the beta on the 28th but they said it would most likely be preloaded around that time and cyber cafe people would...
  10. nc17


    No no no, barney is the Gate Keeper and the scientist with the fake leg is the oracle Man, it is scary how much the GMan and Agent Smith are alike . . . I hope someone makes a spoof on the matrix using the hl2 characters and the source engine That has to be the best line in ANY movie...
  11. nc17


    Has anyone noticed that HL2 is SO much like the matrix series? First of all there is the GMAN, he is obviously Agent Smith from the matrix Gman: "Hello miiiister freeman" Agent Smith: "Hello Miiiister Anderson" Then there is Alyx who would be Trinity Next we have Gordon who is...
  12. nc17

    July 30th Release Candidate almost impossible...

    So many good games comming out this year HL2 Doom3 Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (SC 3) Stalker (Hopefully) I am personally looking forward to the new splinter cell game, that is my most anticipated next to HL2
  13. nc17

    Yes, another lighting/shadow question :)

    The source engine does not do this how ever rick ellis said it would be possible to add this in a mod without having to have the source code Rick Ellis said that the engine does have dynamic lights (used for things like the flashlight and stuff) that can be used as an entity in a map so you...
  14. nc17

    HL2 and CS:S now on Steam's Update History

    CS:Source is going to be preloaded on the 26th of this month and probly ready to download for cyber cafe users around the same time doom3 is released (3rd-5th)
  15. nc17

    Gordon Clones?

    I will be willing to be that they are dead people that the combine turned into cybernetic soldiers that they can control I bet when you see them without amask they have a decaying human face
  16. nc17

    Blood in HL2

    The blood in hl2 is the same as in hl1 just with higher quality art Watching the cs source movies and the latest hl2 movie from e3 you can see that they use a particle system (sprites and/or models) with a decal (texture) and the decals now apear where the blood actually lands not where the...
  17. nc17

    Gabe a bit paranoid?

    The camera is right under the action figured and crowbar to gabe's left (your right) Just a security measure
  18. nc17

    You can use your hands!

    This has been known for almost a year Small things like garbage cans, peices of wood and stuff can be picked up and thrown with your hands while larger objects require the physcannon
  19. nc17

    Gabe Newell posted on my clan forum

    Wallmart, pwhahaahahha
  20. nc17

    Is 5.1 Surround Sound Supported?

    I think gabe said the engine supports up to 7.1