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  1. lordbotulor

    This game is seriously, good.

    I felt the same, it's how a good game should feel. Although so many people are complaining about realism, this is the closest game to real to have come along yet, despite its wonderful mix of the surreal and futuristic.
  2. lordbotulor

    The Gunships

    Has anyone looked at the model viewer? There's some model called "synth" that looks like a headcrab-like creature, but with a mechanical arse. Was that in the game? (if it was, i suspect that it would be somewhere in the citadel, as i did not pay attention to most of the stuff going on during...
  3. lordbotulor

    Surprising, Half-Life 2 runs well on my system.

    Your use of leet speak is "cool" and makes me want to be your friend.
  4. lordbotulor

    Help!!! How To Put On My Damn Suit

    There's a button on the panel to the left. After you press that, the glass will open up, at which point you can walk into the suit in order to put it on.
  5. lordbotulor

    Surprising, Half-Life 2 runs well on my system.

    Yeah, I know, just kidding. The thing is that HL2 is so friggin efficient, compared to other new games. NVidia has a slight disadvantage, due to pixel shaders used, but i have an FX5700 Ultra on high settings (DX 8.1) with no problems. If you want even better performance, I would suggest you...
  6. lordbotulor

    Surprising, Half-Life 2 runs well on my system.

    I know, who'd have thought NVidia's top of the line graphics card from 2003 along with an $800 processor could do anything well?
  7. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    well, i reinstalled it and applied the updates, yet i still cannot view the gman models like everyone else apparently i'm still open to suggestion.
  8. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    Well, either way, im reliving the nostalgic experience of installing hl2 (all 2 hours of it), so hopefully this will fix all my problems.
  9. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    ok, i tried the gameinfo.txt file and I have updated to the new SDK, and when i choose hl2 from the Source SDK menu, it says that my gameinfo.txt is invalid (it is the gameinfo.txt featured on and a whole bunch of other places). Maybe i should reinstall? Also, my steam...
  10. lordbotulor

    How to get the console?

    the console key in the US version is the ~ key, located above the left tab
  11. lordbotulor

    HL2 needs a connection to Run?

    Shut up silverstealth. Just answer the question or don't reply... Anyway, I think there was a patch that makes it easier to login on offline mode, so you should update.
  12. lordbotulor


    yeah, i have a similar problem. I can only log in from time to time, but its getting better now, so I suspect Steam network troubles. One problem might be that if you have a hardware or software firewall, you need to forward ports...
  13. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    thank you
  14. lordbotulor

    New Patch - More Fixes

    Jerks...just when i was having fun.
  15. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    i wonder whats wrong with mine then
  16. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models? too lazy for that
  17. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    really? can you see g-man?
  18. lordbotulor

    Anyone know how to view HL2 models?

    Does any one know how to view the hl2 models (like the gman model for example), or which program can be used. Is there some way to see them in the included model editor, as the model editor only allows you to open the sdk sample models (or at least only the sdk models the way mine is configured).
  19. lordbotulor

    Choppy characters in timedemo

    I was making videos using the timedemo -> record to tif -> virtualdub method, and I keep noticing the characters are move in a jerky manner, while the rest of the environment runs fine. I was wondering whether anyone else has this problem, and if so, can it be fixed?