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  1. S

    Gone Gold

    holy sh*
  2. S

    Half-Life 2 goes gold. [GAMESPOT RUMOR CONTROL] can anyone at valve wait until tomorrow about something so important ? I guess they worked most of the time on weekends, too in the last weeks...
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    HL2 gold tommorw cs nation resports

    yeah it's really difficult ... modchip and u are done :-) and it's no problem to get all the latest xbox or ps2 backups...all you need is a dvd burner.and btw. it saves u a lot of money if you actually work for your money
  4. S

    Nice Job sir....

    you kiddies don't even work for your $ shut up... and btw. seems like gabe doesn't care much about that. Hopefully there will be a GOTY edition of hl2 with cs:s key to play online etc. for $10 in the next years :naughty: I want my TF 2...NOW
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    LAN Party connection problem!!! HELP

    lol...don't think they have 512 Mbit upstream :D that would be f*ckin fr**ky nice... You meant 512 Kbit i guess
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    LAN Party connection problem!!! HELP

    depends on the switch... maybe a layer 3 switch...then it can route... otherwise it's a layer 2 multiport bridge
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    E-mails to Gabe

    lol :naughty:
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    I hope CS:S comes out today.

    :flame: flame
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    I hope CS:S comes out today.

    today will be the time...look @ cs nation :laugh:
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    Just read the PCG review

    yeah the review is nice...and it's available everywhere :E
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    My summary of the / HL2.php juxtaposition

    move=rc just changed to: "You stare dreamily at the screen. That headcrab thing happens again..." ...maybe the rc wasn't accepted...
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    while we're at it - pc powerplay review next month too

    these god damn valve & vivendi's so mean
  13. S

    Vivendi Store - HL2 Info ...

    There's a big ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival... so i think we will see hl2 beginning / Middle of all the REVIEWS will be beginning of october...
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    Half-Life 2 Review In PCPP Next Month!

    bad photoshopped image of a woman with alyx's face...
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    PC Format UK (Oct 04) has HL2 stuff inside ...

    I wonder how many of all these mods will get more done than just doing some textures and 3ds models...all these mod groups are only built up from gfx guys :E
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    Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.

    damn loser...stop returning shitty char*... C++ has string...and Java, too... Also your if / else construct is very funny..u don't need those brackets...u tryin to be a programmer ? also never use goto statements...lolz
  17. S

    Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.

    say " w00t " and start a new thread bitching about release time :imu:
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    good news about the RC!

    wrong! :sleep: at least the people at hl2fallout are happy about the news and are make my day sooo sad...
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    a question about hl2

    just shoot at her ?
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    good news about the RC!

    Hi! Found this on the VU Games board from the mod: "Hm. I think that is all. But hey, it's been two days and we haven't heard any bad news. They could be holding it in, they could have gotten the bad news yesterday, made a quick fix and then sent it off again, hoping we wouldn't notice...