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  1. G

    Half-life 2 released on Sep. 30th, but not in stores.

    Would it not be reasonable to expect that any new, confirmed information would be in the 'Info fro mValve' thread?
  2. G

    Half-life 2 released on Sep. 30th, but not in stores.

    Has anyone pondered the idea of, when a thread like this pops up that you're not interested in, simply not posting in it? No one's physically forcing you to read every message in every thread on this forum, you know.
  3. G

    Here's a thought..

    The latter. Naturally, I'm not thinking Valve will hold off on the actual finilization, just the announcement of it. See my first post on this thread :)
  4. G

    Here's a thought..

    It's entirely up to the developer as to if and when any 'It's gone Gold' announcement takes place. The phenomenon of announcements of a game's finilization is really a product of synergy between the Internet, and PR departments of game developers (and publishers). Just like it was up to...
  5. G

    Here's a thought..

    Anyone think perhaps that HL2 might indeed be already (or about to be) Gold, and Valve's just not going to throw out a press release about it? It sure would keep folks like us chimping at the bit. Just imagine the insanity that would ensue if, on the 29th, Valve says "Oh, yeah, by the way...
  6. G

    New previews???

    Dammint, don't give them any ideas.
  7. G

    "cool bonus stuff" predictions

    What the hell is your problem? It's been more than clearly said that one of the purchase options will be a standard, SP/MP deal, just like almost every other game on the planet. The Collectors' Edition and the SP Edition are other options. No one's threatening to cram a crowbar through your...
  8. G

    "Pay to Play" in multiplayer?

    Once again, it difinitively will be pay-to-play. Through Steam, or at EB, or GameStop, or wherever you go to buy the damn game, you'll pay the $50 or whatever Valve decrees. Done deal. You've paid. Go play.
  9. G


    To each their own. I'm a TFC guy. CS just ain't my thing.
  10. G


    Conc, aka concussion grenades. The Medic's and Scout's secondary 'Nades in TFC.
  11. G


    Just imagine this- TFC with MAJOR tweaks.. Here are some things that come to mind- Engineer- Can build/repair vehiches the team will need to drive to the enemy base in. The EMPs disable vehicles for a short duration, exposing the team to ambush HWG- Forget the MIRV grenades- A...
  12. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    I know that DNF has been in 'development' since before the Jurassic, but that's not what we're talking about here, is it, Bass? :)
  13. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    Heh, yeah, TFC2 to hold us over 'till TF2 would be pretty sweet.. Unless that'd mean that TF2'll be on the Source 2 engine in 2008... Remember, Kids.. TF2 went from coming with HL, to add-on for HL, to its own game, with TFC to hold us over whilst TF2 was in development.
  14. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    They also said that it's possible to have multiple people handking various parts of a vehicle. For example, a pilot and a tailgunner. HL1942 might be interesting, but EA might get their knickers in a twist if someone develops that mod.
  15. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    Holy crap, I forgot about the vehicles. If they're part of the rolled-in MP, that'll add a completely new dynamic to the game. I was salivating (metaphorically) in anticipation of this game, now I'm downright drooling (albiet still metaphorically)!
  16. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    The one thing we do difinitively know is that TF2 will not be shipped with HL2 as the MP component, with the one possible exception being that Gabe may have simply said so to throw us off the trail. How cool would that be?
  17. G

    Fun Things u will do with the Manipulator Gun Post them Here !! :)

    I think that somewhere in the Valve Info thread, someone got a reply indicating that Source did infloct damage from flying objects based on mass and velocity. Thus, a wad of cotton hitting you at 10MPH will do less damage than a bowling ball. Presumably, this will work for swinging objects...
  18. G

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    Personally, I'm not much of a CS fan, and unless it's gotten very different, I really hope that CS2 isn't the HL2MP. I'll at least get a little something of a headstart, as they usually release the server software before the client. I don't know if they'll do this for HL2 though. Hmm, sounds...
  19. G

    Worldwide Release Date... Heh heh heh.

    ...and if you're interested in the International Date Line (where the date changes, but not the time, to keep calendard from berring b0rked by global circumnavigation), there's a lot of information here.
  20. G

    Worldwide Release Date... Heh heh heh.

    Erm, there is no +12/-12 border. Each time zone is bordered by +1 and -1 hours on either side.