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  1. Onions

    Competition Among Mods

    i was the IT assistant, your thinking of starmonkey
  2. Onions

    Competition Among Mods

    "If it's for something non-game related, mod work may be seen as frivolous and could possibly work against you. For coding, anyway." worked for me :o
  3. Onions

    Stargate: Source mod shut down

    counting the days until jedi:timeline get a similar letter :)
  4. Onions

    Coding with the Source Code - Tutorials?

    sorry, no idea where else you'd find german hl2 coding tutorials :( there are of course german coders out there, maybe you could try and find a friendly one to explain things? try and #hl2coding on
  5. Onions

    Coding with the Source Code - Tutorials?

    try - my german sucks, so i dunno if the tutorials are any good :)
  6. Onions

    Coding with the Source Code - Tutorials?
  7. Onions


    Kebean PFC, your more than welcome to try, give me an email (address in sig) or drop by #halflife2.resonance on Angry Lawyer, thanks for the kind words, hope i can live up to them :D
  8. Onions


    this forum has always followed the same formula. guy posts claiming his mod will own all others, community criticises, nobody (mostly) is actually looking to help. my intention, along with what i mentioned above, was to avoid all that. and look where it got me :D apologies for the end of my...
  9. Onions


    you can tell my mod will fail just by reading that? most people get to know me first :D anyway, it's a deal, give me your address and i'll mail a contract. out of interest, what else exactly do you think i should have said? anyone not too full of themselves and vaguely interested in space...
  10. Onions


    you all suck :D
  11. Onions

    IRA Mod looking for help

    meh, who cares, he's had enough shit in here to assure that no sane person will help him, which is probably for the good of humanity :)
  12. Onions

    IRA Mod looking for help

    " 2. I am well informed about irish history i think. I read some books, watched some movies" "i know that movies arent always right. as books arent." you make my brain hurt :(
  13. Onions

    Background picture while loading?

    i dont think so, but if not, it would be a nice feature for valve to add. try pestering them on the hlcoders list
  14. Onions

    Is there an equivilant of the Java API for half life 2? is all i know of, nowhere near as well documented as the java api though
  15. Onions

    How do I make A zero gravity entity ?

    i know what you meant, and it's possible. it would be a ****ing challenge and a half, but i'd say it's worth trying, try posting on other coding forums and get a second opinion. even if you don't manage it, you'll learn a hell of a lot by trying, can't be bad :)
  16. Onions


    Could use another artist on the team, give me a shout on IRC or email me. The game is space combat, we have an internal build, you'd be doing starfields and stuff, maybe some model textures if you like. :cheers:
  17. Onions

    How do I make A zero gravity entity ?

    it's perfectly possible, but yeah it'll mean quite a bit of work :) for setting a certain player's gravity, suprise surprise, use SetGravity( float flGravity );
  18. Onions

    need the strtools.h header file!

    see the hlcoders mail list, there is a thread on 2005 compiling
  19. Onions

    I humbly ask your assistance D:!

    run your mod with -allowdebug (with a debug build obviously) and check the call stack when you crash, should show you where things are ****ing up (there are tutorials around to help you set up debugging with your ide of choice). if you cant get out of fullscreen, run windowed, worked for me...
  20. Onions

    Vector cones, entities, and my mod

    1. your going to have to code the weapons first, then worry about map entities 2. you have no access to that information, you can figure it out by trial and error though 3. HL2DM :) have you considered a server plugin instead?