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  1. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Yeah, that one was nice wasn't it? :) I think I still have it here somewhere... I remember your old one too, and the song... that awful song. Not that it was your fault or anything. But I always blamed you! :p Ah, here it is.
  2. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Hey, Whatever I did to your sandwich, it was for your own good. You should thank me, it didn't taste all that good anyway.
  3. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Ofcourse I do, fellow spammer. And thanks. Man... Looking at your post counts makes me feel really small for some reason. :) Give me 5 days and I'll catch up to you guys! Or maybe not.
  4. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Yes, it's been a while. But I'm glad to be back! I was looking through the forum just now, checking things out. You've even got a fan fiction-section now! I didn't see that one coming. Shouldn't that piss Marc Laidlaw off? I can almost see him shaking his fist at the forum. - "Stop...
  5. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Hehe, How could I ever forget a funny guy like you Farrow. ;) Again, Thanks guys. I feel right at home again. I'll stick around and see what happens. After all, I have to have someone to talk hl2 to. The people here, around me, they simply don't understand. :) Thats enough for today...
  6. Idolon

    2nd coming

    thanks. I heard about all the trouble has been through. Am glad everything turned out alright
  7. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Now that's a welcome! Thanks. /me seeks medical treatment
  8. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Yes these are certainly good times. I'm starting to get a feeling I haven't felt in... well... about a year. ;) I still have the counter ticking on my desktop. It says "-232 days -23 hours -56 minutes". Thanks JunkieXL. I feel much safer now. :)
  9. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Dedalus: Yeah, :) So much has changed, I feel like I've been cryogenically frozen for 10 years. marksmanHL2 Ah, a familiar face... err... name. How are you doing? wow, even more lively? maybe I should run back into hiding again? :)
  10. Idolon

    2nd coming

    Hi guys. It's been a while. I see alot has changed too. Is everyone still here? All of the good ol' boys? I thought I should stop by and say hello, since it's my "join day" and all. :) Maybe I'll start posting here again.
  11. Idolon

    A riddle to curve the boredom!

    No worries, where would the fun be in that? Don't smoke?
  12. Idolon

    A riddle to curve the boredom!

    a soap bubble?
  13. Idolon

    A tribute to the good old days

    Ahh yes. Nostalgia. It was almost an Utopia back then. But now...
  14. Idolon

    What if you met the bastar *cough* hacker?

    I would buy him the most expensive, powerful, perfect gaming computer known to man, I would buy him a copy of hl2 and THEN I WOULD RIP HIS F**KING FINGERS OFF AND MAKE HIM EAT THEM. Well... something like that. Sorry about that...
  15. Idolon

    WTF IS pwned?

    Hehe, ok lets leave it at that. see... "hehe" works just fine. :p:) GTBBIHGTGUET : Going to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow.
  16. Idolon

    WTF IS pwned?

    Yes but that's also weird. How can "Laughing out loud" be "barely cracking a smile"? And how can "Rolling on floor laughing" be "good for a little laugh"? ok... i'm not completely sure about the acronyms.
  17. Idolon

    since its not coming for the 30th

    No I'm pretty sure we mean the same one. It was released in 1994 and was made by Mythos. I was 11 at that time but I was already a game addict. ;) Of what I have seen of Aftermath, the graphics doesn't seem all that good but It could still be fun. I don't really know what to expect since...
  18. Idolon

    WTF IS pwned?

    Exactly what I think. "haha" is perfectly adequate. :) Nowdays it seems like if people want to express a stronger "emotion" they simply make a larger acronym, but thats pointless and makes it very hard for people to understand. But generally if it begins with ROLF it means he's having a...
  19. Idolon

    since its not coming for the 30th

    I'm thinking of getting "UFO: Aftermath". I haven't desided yet... I played "Enemy unknown" when it was new and I liked it.
  20. Idolon

    WTF IS pwned?

    I might be the only one but. . . I have never written "lol". ever. Except for in special cases. like in this one over here. ^ It feels weird to write. I'm used to reading it so that doesn't feel weird, I just can't write it. There you have it folks... my deepest, darkest secret. :)