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  1. Cyber$nake

    Trainstation Bink Video

    What I dont get is what will happen once you get to the interrogation room. I mean, you cant talk how are you supposed to answer questions? We'll have to find out...
  2. Cyber$nake

    Vampire: The Masquerade CANT release untill HL2 is released!?

    AHHH!! who cares? HL2 will still be the greatest game ever! In fact, Gordon has somethin to say about it!
  3. Cyber$nake

    Vampire: The Masquerade CANT release untill HL2 is released!?

    Yeah your right, I've already saved up enough money to buy the necessary asernal- 20 ak's and 5 c4s.unfortunately, Ive only been able to recruit 8 people... and I wasnt planning on dual ak's for everyone, but that may have to change. :sniper: :x <valve :flame: :devil: :flame: ;)
  4. Cyber$nake

    Trainstation Bink Video

    lol I hate when people post "where can I get this" when its on the front page...
  5. Cyber$nake

    Angry at Valve for the first time :|

    I dont see what the big deal here is. the 5950 costs 400. The 9800 pro costs 200. There are different level of gfx cards. and everyone has been talking in the hardware forums about how N beats ATI with AA. You have no reason to be angry
  6. Cyber$nake

    Do you like the new skin?

    Just make sure that u change the regular site's skin to this too so it doesnt look like 2 different sites...
  7. Cyber$nake

    about the playtime of hl2

    Since I take a while, it'l probably take me 40 hours if the standard average is 36.
  8. Cyber$nake

    I laugh at my stress test result

    yeah the midrange Nvidia cards actually do better than the midrange ATI cards with AA. Without AA, ATI wins. I might get a 6800 basic... Edit: Ive never seen the point in AF. Doesnt it just make the textrues nicer or something? AA is what i notice most.
  9. Cyber$nake

    Hi!!I'm sorry to ask...

    Your comp should run fine. In CS:S beta (i know its not as detailed as HL2 so it runs better) at 1024x768 2X AA and settings on High I can get 40-65 fps on my old Gforce 4 ti 4200 64mb card. Im sure yours will run fine.
  10. Cyber$nake


    Yeah in CSS beta someone was like "I thought this was supposed to be the HL2 engine?" and im like "IT IS!" And hes like "no way..." and im like wtf?
  11. Cyber$nake

    CS:S screenies!

    Alright more for the next day:
  12. Cyber$nake

    CS:S screenies!

    Last 3 for now: In 32 he was drinking too much :)
  13. Cyber$nake

    CS:S screenies!

    More of em!
  14. Cyber$nake

    CS:S screenies!

    CS:S screenies!
  15. Cyber$nake

    hope this isnt in the version we play tommorow.

    ...this is pointless (10 char) Another example... [you] edit dang these forums dont have the [you] trick! :(
  16. Cyber$nake

    5 new videos at GameSpot: show skywalking, etc

    What is your current card? I have a 64mb Gforce 4 ti4200 and i get about 50 fps at 1024x768 2x AA and settings on high. It runs incredibly well, almost as good as CS!
  17. Cyber$nake

    5 new videos at GameSpot: show skywalking, etc

    From when I palyed (yes it is AWSOME) there was loads of skywalking. But it makes the game more intense when being fired on from above. i wish they would actually add a little rooftop access here and there.
  18. Cyber$nake

    How does css run on different videocards ??

    ok this is the wierdest thing on earth. CS:S: 1024x768, 2x AA, settings on high. computer: 2.53ghz 512mb sdr ddram ~Gforce 4 Ti 4200 64mb gfx card~! 30-40 fps! I think they fixed the Nvidia problem! lol
  19. Cyber$nake

    hope this isnt in the version we play tommorow.

    there are loads of skywalking glitches everywhere. At least 3 from when I played! :) I didnt check for the M4 thing, but I DO know that the game looks friggen great. And valve must be the masters at optimizing. It ran great on a computer with a not-great GFX card. Im pretty sure it was a Gforce...
  20. Cyber$nake

    hope this isnt in the version we play tommorow.

    there are loads of skywalking glitches everywhere. At least 3 from what i saw! :)