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  1. Flyingdebris

    TF2 Holloween costumes!

    I too have hopped onto the tf2 engineer bandwagon
  2. Flyingdebris

    Vest to simulate being shot in FPS games

    just wait, someone will add a codpiece to that. its inevitable
  3. Flyingdebris

    Thinking about voting for Hillary?

    i can't think of any more important than my videeyja gaemes no vote for her.
  4. Flyingdebris

    American kids, dumber than dirt, The next generation = biggest idiots in US history

    I would say a large number of the current generation of kids are simply growing up without any concept of personal responsibility drilled into them, plus an entitlement attitude, and topped off with a light dusting of narcissism. Emo kids, furries, goths, chavs, wannabe gangsters, weeaboos, I...
  5. Flyingdebris

    Che Guevara gets 'toppled' in... Caracas?

    people starving? wtf? aside from its government having corruption issues, Cuba was a first world country at the time with a pretty good economy. It certainly wasn't the militarized whored out shithole it is now, with secret police listening in on everything.
  6. Flyingdebris

    The end of 4chan?

    good riddance? 4chan? HA! HA i say! 4chan may have been a horrible place full of pedophiles, assholes, freaks, weeaboos, and the some of the most horrible images you will ever have the misfortune of ever seeing, but it was OUR horrible place and its had some good stuff mixed in there...
  7. Flyingdebris

    Che Guevara gets 'toppled' in... Caracas?

    Dear god, solaris. One can only hope you grow out of this stage where you're mistaking wishful thinking for actual history. you are to Communists what goths are to vampires.
  8. Flyingdebris

    Bioshock downloads to offer new gameplay

    i remember screenies of big daddies that didn't make the cut. One looked like it had the main character's style nade laucnher fixed to one of its shoulders. The other looked like it had studded battering rams for arms. i'd like to see those.
  9. Flyingdebris

    Discrepancies with "real" zombies

    zombie, infected, same difference provided they are now not in control of their own actions, agressive, and seemingly contagious is all that one needs to belong in the zombie genre. being undead is only secondary as more and more artists and writers try to come up with more plausible...
  10. Flyingdebris

    Che Guevara gets 'toppled' in... Caracas?

    Its well documented that Che either took part in or signed off on thousands of executions for people with "counterrevolutionary ideals" and that he took a great deal of satisfaction in that. A good number were little more than kids. He was little more than a butcher. Its because of that 1...
  11. Flyingdebris

    Soldier of Fortune: Payback Hands-On

    looks like i'll definitely play this
  12. Flyingdebris

    What's your favourite class?

    pyro, all the time I love lighting the enemy up and i hate being on fire
  13. Flyingdebris

    Game cliches you've seen entirely too much of

    infinitely respawning bad guys with you having limited resources highly trained soldiers being complete utter cannon fodder dual pistols, pistols being more accurate or powerful than assault rifles, or just behaving stupidly overpowered. the obligatory point in almost every FPS where...
  14. Flyingdebris

    Discrepancies with "real" zombies

    i majored in survival logistics with a minor in improvisation
  15. Flyingdebris

    Discrepancies with "real" zombies

    the ZSG overestimates the performance of the .22cal, underestimates the performance of 12g shotguns and machineguns, and overestimates weapons such as katanas while 22s 'can' as he puts it, bounce around inside the brain cavity, at longer ranges they are just as likely to be deflected by some...
  16. Flyingdebris

    About the Car... And the dialogue...

    i knida agree with the original point, something was a little "eh" about the dialogue. For instance the old vortie voice was better i think, the new voice sounds somehow not quite fitting. And in a few places the story did feel a little bit spoonfed where in the previous versions of the series...
  17. Flyingdebris

    Has the Gravity Gun replaced the Crowbar as Half Life's signature weapon?

    yeah, crowbar for wood... sometimes busting crates. It might be interesting if valve made using the crowbar something particularly interesting to do instead of just bashing boxes open. I did like how in episode 2 they paced the ammo enough so that you had to switch through your weapons...
  18. Flyingdebris

    Inmate on death row denied appeal because it was quitting time, was then executed

    I think we are kinda beating a dead horse here
  19. Flyingdebris

    Inmate on death row denied appeal because it was quitting time, was then executed

    how exactly does a rapist murderer illicit sympathy is what i want to know.