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  1. Flyingdebris

    Capitalism VS Socialism?

    I'm capitalist. I like for my forms of government to reward ingenuity, hard work, fresh ideas, and individuality. Why settle for handouts?
  2. Flyingdebris

    armor types?

    i know pyros are fire resistant, thats about all i know
  3. Flyingdebris

    Character Balancing

    i vote for more range on the pyro. Right now the flame is a glorified melee more than anything else, though i think the power is fine. Also they fare horribly in sudden death, since to be effective you literally have to be in the thick of the enemy, and its hard to survive more than a few...
  4. Flyingdebris

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    started up a server just to test all the weapons and abilities. only bugs i ran across were the sniper using the medic's voice for its taunts, and the heavy's taunt animation for the minigun looking weird with the shotgun in its place if are out of ammo for the mg when you taunt. Aside...
  5. Flyingdebris

    May you kindly discuss Plot Twists/Spoilers/Ending here (WARNING: NO SPOILER TAGS!)

    considering that ryan is still potentially alive thanks in part to those vita chambers and the city of rapture is still for the most part intact and packed with splicers, I imagine there could be more to be done. It would take some clever writing though.
  6. Flyingdebris

    May you kindly discuss Plot Twists/Spoilers/Ending here (WARNING: NO SPOILER TAGS!)

    i read that if you leave cohen alive you will come across him later at his apartment and he'll give you a free plasmid. However, i did not. After he opened that cage, i thought for a moment and delivered an electric 00 buck warning shot to his face starting a drawn out fight. Then i...
  7. Flyingdebris

    Doom 4 confirmed .. eventually coming

    doom 3 was pretty good for what it was. A corridor shooter with sci fi horror elements. The only serious complaints on the game come from hard bitten seasoned FPS gamer elitists like us, and for that it mainly comes down to nitpickery being blown out of proportion and having different ideas...
  8. Flyingdebris

    Big Daddies

    the only armor piercing rounds i have at this point are handgun rounds :( I have lots of tommygun ammo and Anti personel rounds for it, and i got lots of OO buck and a few electric shells damn hard mode is hard, who would've thought?
  9. Flyingdebris

    Another game requiring SM 3.0

    get with the times, gramps
  10. Flyingdebris

    Big Daddies

    Jesus Christ they take a lot of killing on hard mode. What are you guyses' experiences on taking these down? Last one i took down involved using up an assload of eve hypos to keep me shocking it while i hosed it with tommygun fire as i desperately backpeddled where i hoped would not be dead...
  11. Flyingdebris

    No Mutants Allowed = Crybaby manboys?

    Fluff is never EVER constant unless its one person behind an IP, and sometimes not even then. Stop whining about minute changes in the fluff. Stuff like aesthetics and tiny retcons are common to all settings that get developed over time.
  12. Flyingdebris

    Things I didn't like about HL2.

    Doesn't bug me too much, HL1 took place in 1998-1999 anyhow. Yeah, doesn't make much sense why the primary weapon used by a grand part of overwatch is a dinky little PDW when a more substantial weapon would be in order. Gameplay. It lets you know roughly how much time you have before it...
  13. Flyingdebris

    Combine Nation Episode 1

    loved it
  14. Flyingdebris

    No Mutants Allowed = Crybaby manboys?

    interest was what kept it alive, yes. But its been more of a life support than anything else. The only decent fallout game since 2 was tactics once you accepted that it was a tactical combat game set within fallout's setting rather than a sequel. It comes down to this, as a fan base ages...
  15. Flyingdebris

    No Mutants Allowed = Crybaby manboys?

    something that should be noted is that the old hands/mega grognard mentality that arises from overly insular gaming groups does more damage than good to the very games they interest themselves in. You get a bunch of guys hostile to any growth of a series and xenophobic against newbies, and they...
  16. Flyingdebris

    Bioshock Art book for download

    i think most of those ugly mutant things were from when bioshock was going to be set in an undergound nazi base full of bug creatures.
  17. Flyingdebris

    How will you play Bioshock?

    mutate, i want to shoot bees at people
  18. Flyingdebris

    On What Platform Are You Going To Rapture With?

    i'm a few days away from getting my new PC parts and i already preordered the PC version so PC it is. Though the 360 version felt very comfortable for a FPS console, i still prefer my mouse + keyboard
  19. Flyingdebris

    No Mutants Allowed = Crybaby manboys?

    while all that you say is very much true. The fact remains that you guys need to lighten up and stop making things so serious business and nerd raging. Its a game, not a way of life, not a religion, not a political ideoligy, not life or death, just a game. and though its sucks not being...
  20. Flyingdebris

    Bioshock demo on Live

    i dunno about the PC demo as i need to build a computer fast enough to run it, but i did play the 360 demo today at a comic convention up in chicago. awesome to the core. Plus they added the ability to use iron sights on the weapons which is a big plus for me. The beginning of the game...