Search results

  1. Lordblackadder

    How old do you think people are?

    Aha, so now we know why Comrade Badger is so interested in everyone's age>>>> Gotta make sure they're old enough to drink :cheers:
  2. Lordblackadder

    How old do you think people are?

    Your avatar... Trent Reznor?
  3. Lordblackadder

    New steam movie on teh way

    We really need more stuff from valve, entirely new movies, some new screenshots and perhaps we need to see a couple more enemies. Enquiring minds wanna know!:bounce:
  4. Lordblackadder

    Meteor due to hit earth 2014

    Re: Re: Re: Meteor due to hit earth 2014 Ahh yes zombies, check out my new thread on the topic.:borg:
  5. Lordblackadder

    On the Topic of Zombies

    Hello everyone, So I've been thinking about...zombies, of all things. Not just HL zombies mind you, but all kinds of walking undead which threaten the living. Basically I question the entire premise of most "zombie" movies on the following glaring, yet ignored oversight. In any given...
  6. Lordblackadder

    Meteor due to hit earth 2014

    Yup we'll all be vaporized in a huge armageddon, while playing HL3 for the first time.:bounce: :cheers: But where would we go? :devil: or :angel:
  7. Lordblackadder

    The guy is a gem...

    The Black Mesa area includes the North East corner of NM and a small part of Oklahoma. Black Mesa National Park is located mostly in OK.
  8. Lordblackadder

    The forums suck now

    What's up Sparrow, I agree there's little to talk about. I also voted "Sucks, but moderators still trying". I stop in occasionally, but until we get more art or the game comes out, most threads will suck moose balls.:cheese:
  9. Lordblackadder

    The forums suck now

    Face it 'Badge it's cause I'm not posting here regularly anymore. Say nice avatar, maybe you chould change your name to MrGuevara. POWER TO THE BADGERS!!!!:afro: :cool:
  10. Lordblackadder

    The forums suck now

    What's your Avatar? It's fookin'cool.:bounce:
  11. Lordblackadder - its gonna be freaky!

    I typed in and got redirected to a porn website with bearded midgets.
  12. Lordblackadder

    The Arena

    /me nods to the fire control operator. "Captain energize main proton cannon and fire at will." The HEV suited operator aknowledges and begins powering up the SuperDuperMonstroBurstoButOnlyOnWeekendsOrWhenProhibitedByLaw Ray. BRRRRLLLWWWWSTSTSTSSIINKASJHFHFAJKLDFHLHASJDFHJKAJ /me...
  13. Lordblackadder

    The Arena

    Tell me the lead singer for Jamaruqiai doesn't sound exactly like Stevie Wonder.:cheers:
  14. Lordblackadder

    on going story

    Actually Fat tony there will be mostly silly shenanigans and hillarious hijincks until late September when we'll have a reason to actually be here again. I try to stop in not too often lest I wind up opening some lame a$$ thread myself.
  15. Lordblackadder

    Angelina Jolie's pasport scan!

    John Voight's daughter. Her original name would be Voight. Jolie might be her Mother's maiden name. French? Yes nice lips on her face. Have you seen her in Star Trek Enterprise. By the way I think this is a minor invasion of her privacy.
  16. Lordblackadder

    Post a Picture of Yourself

    Aha there it is.
  17. Lordblackadder


    Look man you don't know what you're getting into, this is not like other forums. The people here are.... whisper...a bit strange. I'm tellin' you boy leave now, while you still can!!
  18. Lordblackadder

    on going story

    Weren't you just giving me grief about not contributing? ----The HC's weren't pregnant just fat. We had to fatten'em up for the brownies. Headcrab lard, the secret ingredient.:bounce: :x
  19. Lordblackadder

    Post a Picture of Yourself

    no that didn't work
  20. Lordblackadder

    Do you think combine soldiers run outta ammo

    oh and another thing, you're right Archangel, the pistol should be a back up when reloading or low on ammo. I figure if the Combine is down to his last smg clip he should look to retreat and regroup. Using his pistol as a last resort.:borg: