When all the big TV networks put on really great movies, or something extra special at the same time on same day in order to attract viewers. I think it just passed actually. :cool:
Anyone else notice this growing trend of releasing games during 3/04 and 4/04?
Whatever happened to those big christmas games we all used to get? There's hardly ANY good games coming out in dec., and a few already came out last month or in oct.
Just look at the list of games for...
Wow... These are some long post's. I guess everyones a politician here. :dozey:
I consider myself the most avarage type of American. I live my life day to day, leave politics to the slim balls. If you're not careful, it can consume everything within you.
When I first wake up in the...
Anyone see this on fileplanet? http://www.fileplanet.com/files/10000/10360.shtml
I heard awhile ago that not many people got to play it, I never did. I'll dl it once I get some time. :)
Is it just a demo for HL? I believe some people said it contained another part of the story.
Wow, thats a big coaster.. All my party guests could use it and still have room for more.
Xbox 2 will pwn. Xbox already does pwn... What is pwn anyway?
Hmm, I find it funny about that pic you posted. The exp. date is 1/24/04 (Even though HL2 is scheduled for 4/xx/04, tentative). They better hope it comes out by then, otherwise there will be alot of angry people with unless coupons in their hands.