so, where the hell is HL2?

I highly doubt it'll come this year. Most likely April, May....June...July.. I dunno.. Middle of next year prolly
Ahhh thank you good sir, this almost reminds me of the days of the delay threads...oh...wait....THIS IS A DELAY THREAD!!!

/runs for the hills!!!
Don't you remember? Vivendi Universal said it would be delayed atleast until April after the hacker incident. Not holiday 2003 which was the date mentioned before the stolen source code.
Half-Life 2 is scheduled for April 2004 since apparently someone leaked a part of the game or something.
bottom line, the game isnt coming out this year, oh well
i dunno, sounds like people dwell too much on the leaked thread and letting that determine when they think the game will be released. if you pay close attention, you'll note that gabe said that the theft WASN'T the reason for the delay, and hasn't much to do with it. in addition i have heard from several people that the VU guy that said april 04 was fired, as well as when asked abou that, doug lombardi said the guy was talking out his ass. that, in addition to the new gabe interview make it all look like before april 04. i'm almost getting excited about this game's release again. (note: the main thing that makes me think the game will be out before april is gabe saying, "For example some of our models were "finished" four years ago, but now that we have the rest of the game, we are going back and doing another pass on them to bring them up to the same art standards as the rest of the game..." that statement makes it sound like they're done, just polishing to make everything flow more nicely in terms of art design.

...just my opinion based on what i've seen/read:farmer:
Originally posted by HybridM
Didn't you hear? Half-Life 2 got cancelled.


Also in the "Info from Valve only" thread.......the latest email asks Gabe if it will go Gold or be released Deember 11th, reffering I believe to an expected feature in the next PC Zone magazine. His answer was that it won't be released December 11th. So maybe it will go gold Dec 11?
You mean it'll be released a few days after December 11th....


Yet -another- year where I spend Chirstmas Day on my computer. Apologies to my family.

I wonder if they'll still cook me that lovely Chirstmas meal.
HL2 == Vaporware

Kinda like TF2! Remember that whole fiasco?
Hmmmm if this thread doesn't take a dramatic turn for the intellectually better... I might have to close it, and we wouldn't want that would we :)
Originally posted by Jackal hit
i dunno, sounds like people dwell too much on the leaked thread and letting that determine when they think the game will be released. if you pay close attention, you'll note that gabe said that the theft WASN'T the reason for the delay, and hasn't much to do with it.

Of course Gabe said the theft wasn't the reason for the delay. It's called damage control. Gabe and Valve also said the game would be here Sept. 30th. :dozey:

in addition i have heard from several people that the VU guy that said april 04 was fired, as well as when asked abou that, doug lombardi said the guy was talking out his ass. that, in addition to the new gabe interview make it all look like before april 04.

Mind sharing with us where you got this information? I've heard nothing of the sort. Not to mention VU was right all along, especially about the Sept. 30th release.

i'm almost getting excited about this game's release again. (note: the main thing that makes me think the game will be out before april is gabe saying, "For example some of our models were "finished" four years ago, but now that we have the rest of the game, we are going back and doing another pass on them to bring them up to the same art standards as the rest of the game..." that statement makes it sound like they're done, just polishing to make everything flow more nicely in terms of art design.

Just because the models were finished, and they weren't finished four years ago I'm sure, doesn't mean that the rest of the game is finished as well. Models are only a very small part of the entire development process.
Um learn to pick apart the post before you do it... AND if you haven't heard about it it doesn't mean it isnt true... use the search button ffs...
people really need to wake up and come to reality about a few things. first of all, HL2 wont come out when CZ does. , even if it did, CZ was supposed to have gone gold like a month ago and just didnt appear on shelves on its release day... and now nobody knows when itll be out. So it could still be forever even if it did release when CZ did.

second, as said before, CZ supposedly already went gold, and still isnt here...if its taking them that long to release CZ after its gone gold, then even if HL2 went gold tomorrow, it still wouldnt be out before new years.

read fragmaster's last post. i agree with it completely, and even though alot of people say hes an ass, he hasnt lied to us yet, and brings up alot of good points. so yea

this thread is pointless. everything everyone is saying has already been said before. (i too am bringing up points that have already been brought up). so this thread should be closed in my opinion.

EDIT: and yay, im a zombie now!
Fragmaster doesn't know anything more than we do. When asked what 'secret source' he had, he tried to avoid the question. He knew about as much as anyone else that said that the game was gonna be delayed past the 30th.

Whatever. All we can do is wait and see what happens. :dozey:
Originally posted by Bandages
people really need to wake up and come to reality about a few things. first of all, HL2 wont come out when CZ does. , even if it did, CZ was supposed to have gone gold like a month ago and just didnt appear on shelves on its release day... and now nobody knows when itll be out. So it could still be forever even if it did release when CZ did.

second, as said before, CZ supposedly already went gold, and still isnt here...if its taking them that long to release CZ after its gone gold, then even if HL2 went gold tomorrow, it still wouldnt be out before new years.

read fragmaster's last post. i agree with it completely, and even though alot of people say hes an ass, he hasnt lied to us yet, and brings up alot of good points. so yea

this thread is pointless. everything everyone is saying has already been said before. (i too am bringing up points that have already been brought up). so this thread should be closed in my opinion.

I really think some people should read around topic. Valve took stock of bad reviews of the game, and pulled it, and scrapped the work that had been done. Now what game did they do that with before? Was it Half Life? :) Well, I hope it turns out like that

(oh, and I am aware of the fact that HL wasn't actually reviewed, they just scrapped it, but you must agree, it is similar)
Bandages, we can't close this thread just because you don't agree with other people's opinion. But yeah, I pretty much agree with badger and yourself, they have delayed it for a reason; we don't really know what that reason would be but it'll only make the game better.

With CS:CZ I can see them sitting on that until late December then releasing it. If you look at all of the opinion polls on csnation or PHL regarding CS:CZ (and I'm sure Valve do too) then you'll see that hardly anyone wants to get it. The only way they'll really maximise the sales of it is by porting it over to Source and making it look prettier or releasing it for Christmas.

I don't think they'll scrap HL2 - but it must be a massive blow for Valve to have their "baby" distributed against their wishes. To be honest, if I was Gabe I'd seriously consider scrapping it and starting again. I don't want him to though because I know the game will be good.
I agree with Chris, Valve only delayed the game to make it better.
Originally posted by Chris_D
To be honest, if I was Gabe I'd seriously consider scrapping it and starting again. I don't want him to though because I know the game will be good.

so you mean cs:cz!.. right?!
No I mean HL2. If I was Gabe and HL2 was leaked, along with the source code too then I'd seriously consider starting again.
Originally posted by Jackal hit
i have heard from several people that the VU guy that said april 04 was fired

This guy was Christophe Ramboz, who is still a VUG manager...
Nah, the Beta has been mostly contained, I think all they need to do is change the srouce code a little, so that no one can make hacks and cheats for Half-Life 2. I think thats what their doing. Also I heard people talking about the beta not having anything there, like the levels or files were not all there so the game was not actually enjoyable. If this is true then most people won't even bother with the beta files. I will NEVER try some crappy Beta. WHY? because I loved Half-Life 1 to much to ruin it with some crap files out there. Probably has Virus's to. I can't wait for the game is actually completed so I can go out and by the Collectors Edition. :cool:
ähem.. but that would be insane, chris!
you put so much work and money into the project and then.. because of the code and CRAPPY beta leak you would consider canceling it.. No!

you get your sells though and who would dare to build a game with the leaked source code?!

if they would cancel hl2 they didn't need to think about starting from scratch. the better way would be to close the doors of the company. what a terrible imagining!
You do know that they completely scrapped Half-Life 1 when it was this far into its development don't ya?
Originally posted by Chris_D
You do know that they completely scrapped Half-Life 1 when it was this far into its development don't ya?

and it happens all the time, we just usually don't get to find out about it. Happens with movies on a daily basis and games aren't much different these days what with production values, atleast with the big games.
shut up chris

It doesnt bare thinking about :p

nar only j/k

That would never happend to HL2, I mean they were happy with the game this time. At least I assume they were :p
on top of that :

Valve doesn't have and doesn't need releasedatemongering investors. They make games because they made enough money to make the games they want no matter how pissed off everyone might be or how long it might take. Making money is not (maybe primarily) on their mind..

maybe that's the key to their success..
Originally posted by jimbones
on top of that :

Valve doesn't have and doesn't need releasedatemongering investors. They make games because they made enough money to make the games they want no matter how pissed off everyone might be or how long it might take. Making money is not (maybe primarily) on their mind..

maybe that's the key to their success..

worked for George Lucas, heh Gabe being compared to Lucas.. oh he's gonna get a big head about that :)
Originally posted by WiredShock
Thought it was due for the holiday release ?

The source code leak, Steam, and the game simply not having been completed may be reasons for the delay. And yes, since you did think it was a holiday release, you may still be right. It's not Christmass yet.
I know where HL2 is!! i've got it right here in my pocket, let me take it out....
DAMNIT, my pocket had a leak... guess i don't have it anymore