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  1. T

    If Portal and Episode 2 do tie in with each other, what do you play first?

    I'm going to play portal for an hour then EP2, and so on.
  2. T

    This is out next wednesday on steam....right?

    That cant be right... I'm at -5GMT, so it will come out 3:01am my time. 0gmt is 5 hours ahead of me so that would make it 8:01am. believe me is used my computers clock to figure it out. I set my clock time to 12:01pst, then switched to EST and it gave me 3:01, then switched to GMT and gave me 8:01.
  3. T

    Orange Box featured in 1up show today.

    Umm, thats the only time I've said that.. Isn't it?
  4. T

    super bright problem with TF2

    I so want a 2900. I have a Crappy 2600. My x1950pro ran better.
  5. T

    HL2 ep3 question

    What EP3 took 12 hours to beat? Would you pay 30?
  6. T

    Want only ep2

    Have you even played it yet?
  7. T

    De_Forest Released

    D: Did you leak EP2? I'm joking, but that looks awesome.
  8. T

    Portal community?

    Well, the first few maps you may see might be conversions from maps people have made for the GMOD lua Portal Gun. Tho, those might just be released on Facepunch.
  9. T

    HL2 ep3 question

    Valve might do a HL2 threw Ep3 package, wouldn't put it past them. But why wait a whole year?
  10. T

    Want only ep2

    TF2 EP2 and Portal share the same CD Key. At least that is what Doug Lombardi the Director of Marketing said last month, could have changed.
  11. T

    This is out next wednesday on steam....right?

    steam://preload/420 Copy and paste in your address bar and hit enter.
  12. T

    Damn You Valve!

    What is the point of making a new account? You can change your name in friends to what ever you want and that is what people will see.
  13. T

    Want only ep2

    EA did nothing. They would had a Black Box, but retailers didn't want one.
  14. T

    Damn You Valve!

    What is wrong with you man? And why make a new steam account?
  15. T

    New 1up Video (Spoilers for Ep2 and Portal)

    That is also how the people talking about it felt in the video.
  16. T

    Orange Box featured in 1up show today.

    from HL1 yes. But the Voice Actor for HL2, EP1, and EP2 is the same, Lou Gossett Jr.
  17. T

    The "I've completed Minerva and I just HAVE to talk about it" thread (spoilers)

    The Player has a HEV suit on, if you read the text at the top left after the explosion on the last chapter.
  18. T

    Orange Box featured in 1up show today.

    Yeah, we knew that there was going to be one before the video.
  19. T

    Orange Box featured in 1up show today.

    Actually most of the time everything is released on Tuesdays (DVDs, games)