With Max Payne I thought Rockstar pushed the semi-noir narrative in the proper direction. Now that they've matured as a company, I think they may be able to pull this off. God knows they know how to land proper voice talent for their games, and that'll help. I'm hoping for open-ended as well, I...
I say ps3 title, because thats what gametrailers.com says. Anyway, there is a teaser on gametrailers, and the website is located here:
I don't know what to think, this early... They say a full trailer is on the way. (OCT. 5th to be exact.) From the teaser, it looks like a 50's GTA...
Thanks victimofscience, I had completely forgot about naughty dog's game, which is the whole reason I started to get on the pro-Sony bandwagon in the first place lol
New rockstar crime drama? Teaser available at gamestrailers!
L.A. Noir
No I remembered it, and was going to add it to the list, but I couldn't find a single decent image to post with it :( I've seen some in magazines, and it looks ace!
as am I, as am I. And yeah, you could surely just get the same game but on a few DVDs. But what about something like a new Final Fantasy game, with a huge, long ass intro cinematic, that plays back in 1080p. That'll eat up your disk space super fast. I would just get annoyed having to swap a...
yup thats the case :) I would much rather play ut07 on PC with a keyboard/mouse combo, but, since I just built this pc, and probably won't get full graphical bliss from ut07 when it ships, I would suck it up and play it on the console, if I got to see it in all its high res glory... And if I...
I'm thinking that even if blu ray was to crash and burn, ps3 still comes standard, and so far, even a launch title (resistance) is using the storage capacity (50 + gb right?)... You couldn't get that on any other system. And what happens 3 years from now, when texture resolutions are higher, and...
Because? The price will be almost identical.
$400 for xbox console + $180 for HD-DVD playback (games won't untilize extra storage) = $580
$600 for PS3 Premium (built in blu ray playback, and storage that games WILL use)
I don't see such a huge difference. And when you figure in that with...
A Few Good Reasons Why I'm Looking Forward To Playstation 3! (56k warning)
Its only fair, and for the record, this isn't an attempt at oneupsmanship. (now somebody, do the wii version!) :cheese:
Resistance: Fall of Man
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Devil May Cry 4...