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    Valve playing HL2 on steam!

    But im not discounting the fact it COULD be "real" im just saying look a little deeper. it is a very barren map
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    Valve playing HL2 on steam!

    single player maps are not usually played in multiplayer thus wouldnt need to be tested for multiplayer glitches. this is because in a multiplayer game enimes etc do not spawn thus making testing in a multiplayer scenario... defunct..
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    Valve playing HL2 on steam!

    why play a single player map?
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    Valve playing HL2 on steam!

    thats a single player map. ur watchin the stolen build me thinks
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    EXCLUSIVE SCREEN: Id renders alyx in the Doom 3 engine

    ... yeah im not laughin
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    Eastern Europe Setting & Language

    There have been games were the characters spoke a diffrent language. it just doesnt advance the storyline or involve the player any more to have them do it. I would think its a design decision rather then a technical limitiation i mean lets be honest. who would buy a game were they couldnt...
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    Teen rating?

    this is actually exactly true The XBox is a very poor performer with a price point that means that M$ are only in the positition they are in because they are loosing about 100 quid per console sold which they HOPE to make up in software sales but and im speaking as someone who owns all three...
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    what would you like to see...

    They have that weapon in Postal 2
  9. A for sale

    Munro ... if this is wrong please correct me but isnt sitting on a domain name JUST because its familiar or recognisable as a brand ILLIGAL? I mean this guy is basically trying to make a profit off a brand... so if you DID buy that domain you could then be taken to court and have the domain...
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    A new war on the horizon?

    You cant compare computers and console's they are entirely diffrent business models. a console is a specific market a console cannot be upgraded. and as was pointed out Microsoft bought bungie for a single reason. to push their console. and considering Microsoft are STILL in a legal battle over...
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    A new war on the horizon?

    I dont think it will ever get to the point where developers deliberately sabotage the performance of a game depending on who the buyer decided to buy from. Im pretty sure that would violate alot of laws like sale of goods act here in the uk for instance. Plus if that did happen the...
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    Did they say how many disks the game is?

    depends on your conection but you have to remember. Steam will stream the game to you downloading content as you go along.
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    More Snarks...

    :S ..... all right
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    More Snarks...

    Lobster? I mean its red and long and mingin too!
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    the explosive force that rips a body to bits in actual real life combat is the concussive force of the blast. it is not the flames or smoke or debris but the force of the blast that rips the body apart. You position a fragmentation grenade under a dead body pull the pin and run and the body...
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    IM NOT BASING This on LEAK info here just careful watching of the E3 2k4 video. YOU CANNOT GIB COMBINE soldiers. the guy on the crane gets hit by a rpg and goes flying ... in one human piece not in loads of pieces. Gibbing of humans?.... nope
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    Halflife 2 this fall (Doug Lombardi)

    This "news" came from HalflifeRADIO anyway! and they seem to enjoy just making up headlines.
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    HL2 SP Source Available?

    Multiplayer. plus you can play with the console in hl to view the game from third person. plus the AI aims at a person if i remember correctly. not just a point in space
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    HL2 SP Source Available?

    Valve will model gordon, since its usually a basic requirement of a FPS to have the lead modeled. besides that every question you ask the answer is YES. p.s I dont think your stupid I just dont think you have ever made a machima production before and understand what your undertaking here
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    how old i sthe gman

    I still think the GMan is Gordon from the future so about 50 - 60 im thinkin