And in the manipulator video, when the bodies touch the wall after being hit by the iron bar, a blood spot way unproportionate appears all over the wall.
I knew which actor Eli looked like when I saw him the first time but I couldn't remember the name, thanks to s2m|GC for reminding me. :)
Check the attachment for a comparison, don't they look alike? :D
And we can't forget the striking resemblance between the new Barney and a fat Robert...
The gluon gun of course! Just stick your crosshair to someone's head and fire and they'll be down in a fraction of a second. BZzZZzTwMWWwwwwWWWwWwwwfFffffffff
I agree.
Is it possible to put the most useful smileys in that box to the left of the text field when you compose a note? Right now there are only borg and beer drinking smileys there. :O
So what are you guys' favorite HL SP levels? The episode I like most is Surface Tension and especially that cliff-side part where you walk on ledges and dodge helicopter rockets. Very thrilling, I nearly peed myself when I walked too near those edges and made gravel fall. :)
Aye, but 'tis movies that will show the true power of HL2. Only then will we catch a glimpse of its physics engine and animation system. And screenshots don't often do the graphics of the games full justice anyway. I'm hoping for some kind of trailer from E3. :)
or leaked alpha ;)