I have a very interesting thery about this..:
HL2 MP Co-op.
That could be the big secret, you can play the singleplayer story in multiplayer.... the two strider parts are the same, but from a different perspective.... 2 players are going at it. Interesting theory eh? So you can go through...
A month before release the advertising campaign will come to life, so i guess around september we will start seeing it :eek: :P
Although i wish we could have HL2 by next month.
i have a very good friend who has a PhD in physics and has developed his own physics engine for research purposes, and believe me, it takes years to code the physics for proper motorbike simulation.
Good luck with the motorbike, i hope you guys can find someone to do it.
Beta is a period of time when the software has finished its developement state and started the testing period.
Depending on how many problems\bugs they encounter it can take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months... depending on how solid\clean the code is. And since they rushed to re-code a lot...
i just want to say this:
Cars do have personalities, quirks that identify them and separate them from the rest.. if you fail to capture these your models will be dull and uninspiring.
Thats what separates good modelers from incredible modelers, the ability too see and feel the personality...
Nice bike.
Regardin bike physics i HIGHLY doubt it will be possible, to properly simulate bikes you have to get into coding a whole set of new forces and factors which keep a bike on 2 wheels, unless you canned the effect like GTA3 (yes, it is canned, although very well)
no. There is a developement cycle that is used worldwide, and Beta is pre-oob (out of box), this is when development and inclusion of features and such ends, and the real testing begins to fix the balance\bugs\continuity etc of the game. So no, beta is not "finished" lol.
Well, im in the software business and i can tell you theres no way a game can go from beta to box in less then 2-3 months, so i expect the EARLIEST we could see the game is late august\september or as many popular shops have it, November.
im another one of those that like realism... not for the gore factor, but because i find it more imersive you could say... in Farcry after i sniped a guy, i'd run to him just to check where i hit him exactly :D.
well, here in canada i can see D3 selling tons more then HL2.
2 reasons for this:
-D3 already has pre-order boxes in all the big strores and is set to release soon.
-HL2 doesnt have anything in display, and last time i checked (saturday), it was scheduled for release in NOVEMBER 2004... and...