Well, it does suck, but one thing: At least it sounds like when you get your company started, you're going to be good at running it.
'WORK HARDER!' Your employees will fear you and your constantly ready whip.
Oh, and another fact, someone once urinated on my head. I was passed out in the yard at a party and a friend had to go and the bathrooms were full. Apparently he thought my head was a rock and only noticed it was me when he saw his, er, stream, parting my hair. I woke up and was taking...
I enjoy the benefits of a mass transit system near my place and an easy route to downtown. I get plastered and just catch a train back home from the clubs.
I did **** up in my youth though. I got too drunk on SoCo and drove through some bushes and passed out behind those same bushes. I got...
I think iD should stick to making and licensing engines and stay out of the game biz. Doom was pretty but not fun. In fact, I can't think of an iD game that I've liked recently.
Typically, movies don't get to me as much, it's the TV series that do it. Probably because I've invested a serious chunk of time to these awesome shows, and I really start to care about the characters. So...
As it's been mentioned, Firefly.
"The Body", season 5 ep of Buffy. Truly a wonderful...
My fiancue watched me play through all the HLs before Ep1 came out and she watched me play that too. She's a higher level than me in WoW. We get along game-wise.