Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

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I once had a wet dream at my friend's house. I was in his sleeping bag.

It left a stain :(
It'd probably look worse if it was short. But hey, as sick as your hair may look, its clean.
Um no. For the uses of this conversation clean does not = germ free. Clean means clean. Greasy hair is not clean. It may be technically "germ free" or "self cleaning" and all this other bs, but that's crap. If you don't wash your hair, that's disgusting, and dirty.
Wash your hair or else this happens


When I don't take a shower for two days, my hair seems nasty. 14 months? Wtf?
Um no. For the uses of this conversation clean does not = germ free. Clean means clean. Greasy hair is not clean. It may be technically "germ free" or "self cleaning" and all this other bs, but that's crap. If you don't wash your hair, that's disgusting, and dirty.

I agree. And that would be why I wash my hair once a day or more, but point remains, his hair is still clean. In a way. :p
I agree. And that would be why I wash my hair once a day or more, but point remains, his hair is still clean. In a way. :p

In a dity way. Which completely negates the last 2 pages of this thread.

Btw, alien cancer.


On a related note, I've not whiped my ass for eight months because my butthole cleans itself.

On a related note, I've not whiped my ass for eight months because my butthole cleans itself.

I'm not a hippy, however long my hair is. And I am definitely not communist. I have no respect for hippy or communist ideals.

And I wish I had a butthole like that.
Did you know here it's considered normal to wash once every three days or even only once a week:E .
I wash my entire body several times a week. My hair, being self-cleaning (like everyone's) doesn't need that kind of attention.

Furthermore my hair feels and looks better when it's a bit greasy.
I wash my entire body several times a week. My hair, being self-cleaning (like everyone's) doesn't need that kind of attention.
"Several"? Seems to me you are just too lazy to take daily showers and so you use this lame excuse.
Humorous: I am, in fact, a member of No one believes me though.
i knew a guy in biology in my uni that was like Temppe. He told me that he hadn't washed his hair in about a year. He said that if you stop washing your hair, it will seem nasty and smell at first, but at least the smell goes away after a short while. i could never do that. ok, maybe for two weeks at most if i'm camping, but 14 months? nope. not for me. 2-3x/day for me.

another fact: when in 5th grade, we tp'ed, not one house, but the whole neighborhood of my friend's. well, the toilet paper had his family named imprinted all over it. we spent the rest of the day cleaning up the neighborhood.
I've been infected with.. ALIEN CANCER!!! OH NOES.....:x

Oh, and another fact, someone once urinated on my head. I was passed out in the yard at a party and a friend had to go and the bathrooms were full. Apparently he thought my head was a rock and only noticed it was me when he saw his, er, stream, parting my hair. I woke up and was taking a shower, and I was wondered why my hair was all crunchy. You know, FROM THE SALT IN HIS URINE. I gave him a call later that day and he admitted the terrible, terrible details. He laughed about it while he did so. D:
I've been pissed on twice, although not on the head.
- I am extremely easily amused. On long car trips I can just look out the windows and be captivated the entire trip. This also makes freeway driving a breeze for me.

- I broke my ankle 2 weeks ago because after partying on a golf course I took a running start to jump a waist-high fence and landed sideways on my ankle and snapped it. I somehow limped to the car but the next morning at about 6 the alcohol wore off and I woke up in some of the worst pain of my life.
Humorous: I am, in fact, a member of No one believes me though.

Vegetables. I guess if you are another member, we should just ban this account because hey, you can just post with the other one!
Vegetables. I guess if you are another member, we should just ban this account because hey, you can just post with the other one!
Huh? It was a joke: I was meaning that I do actually have an account, because in xfire convos people never know who I am, and are in disbelief when I tell them I'm from Where did Vegeta come in?
Yeah, when did I come in?

Let me get this straight, you think Viper and Vegeta are the same person?

Is it because he has a link to my site in his sig? (Which he gets much <3 for, btw :))
You know, this isn't the first time I've been accused of being somone else.

Remember the Crushenator/Veggy accusation in Het? Christ that was long ago.
I have a nasty habit of nibbling at the skin on the inside of my mouth... if I run my tongue around it now it feels kind of tender. Must... resist.....

Oh yeah, and I'm kind of overdue for a dentists appointment. And I think I need braces. Dreading both :S
I have a nasty habit of nibbling at the skin on the inside of my mouth... if I run my tongue around it now it feels kind of tender. Must... resist.....

Oh yeah, and I'm kind of overdue for a dentists appointment. And I think I need braces. Dreading both :S

I like to do the same thing too. Except sometimes I do it on purpose so that when I pull my bottom lip out, you can see individual holes in the lip begin to pour out blood...

I bit every part I can inside my mouth.

I used to, as a young child, get angry, run outside to the sidewalk, and bang my head on concrete. That explains ALOT....
Can we post a friends humrous personal fact (not giving names obviously)?
One of my friends pees blood everyone once in a while because he a condition where his immune system attacks his own kidneys
Actualy, that's rather sad.
Can we post a friends humrous personal fact (not giving names obviously)?
One of my friends pees blood everyone once in a while because he a condition where his immune system attacks his own kidneys
Actualy, that's rather sad.

I like to drive, because I get to look at myself in the mirror.

I can take about an hour on the tower of power
'Long as I gets a little golden shower
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