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  1. Punzz

    Have you moved on?

    I'm looking forward to it but currently looking more forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R cause it has nice sky effects LOL
  2. Punzz

    Release Month Betting Pool!

    I chose April but i feel they may release it early May... Hopefully April though :)
  3. Punzz

    To much expectation will make this game suck

    They're waiting for you gordon.. in the test chamber!
  4. Punzz

    what will hype up hl2 fans

    Videos, pictures.. and.. may be that SDK file
  5. Punzz

    The NetCode

    HL2 must have a good netcode if it wants to match HL1's online popularity so i believe valve must have worked on this thoroughly
  6. Punzz

    Will you buy HL2 straight away, or wait for the reviews?

    Usually in the UK the reviews come out before the games are actually released.. So i'll get my PC zone and check up on that, then decide :cheese:
  7. Punzz

    HL-2 Posters & T-Shirts

    I'd love to get my hands on a poster. I can imagine it being full with all the characters and that.. would go nice with my Liverpool FC posters :)
  8. Punzz

    What are they doing now?

    Firstly, I don't really want to play a CS single player game. Secondly, I'm sure a lot of you will cool down once (if) they release some sort of new media.. I know i will. :thumbs:
  9. Punzz

    Artistic view of the solar system

    should post this stuff on deviantart.. there's a lot of ppl that go crazy for astronomy and that sort of stuff over there
  10. Punzz

    Half-Life 2 Demo

    testing :D
  11. Punzz

    What make of card will you play HL2 on?

    ATI 9600 Ultimate Pro
  12. Punzz

    why make a big fuss?

    i not worried about the fact i have the wait just that by the time it comes out its engine may be outdated by the likes of Doom 3 and STALKER being released in 2004... i hope not though :)
  13. Punzz

    This community is destroyed

    i agree.. i blame minh le for creating CS :(
  14. Punzz

    Novel of Alctraz Event

    did you get the women on the camera? :)
  15. Punzz

    Im back from Alctraz & I got to talk to the man.

    is the 9600 XT better than the 9600 PRO?
  16. Punzz

    Omg Hl2 Will Be Released Yesterday!

  17. Punzz


    something like the sven coop team to look at
  18. Punzz

    i have it

    first thread dont ban me :(
  19. Punzz

    Caption Contest For My Tshirt

    "Stay back, you evil being" or.. "Take the chair, i have so much to live for"
  20. Punzz

    Strider Drawing

    aahah GENIUS