Did you pretend to act interested in her daily activities? That's a big no-no. Keep feigned interest to general things only and talk about yourself as much as possible, whilst implying that you are better than her in x number of ways. Quote Aristotle casually, for example. At the least, you may...
The last two girls I dated still think I am with them. I just left one day and didn't come back; they text me approximately three times every 5.7 hours.
My greatest weakness: being irresistible.
Because women are dull, emotionally shallow and ultimately just a pleasure toy for the superior gender, I guess it would be showing interest, because they are by definition uninteresting. However, I have no trouble getting them to sleep with me; if you mention something shallow that their small...
I really like Jam on toast. There's a local diner, and they serve that (seperately, you jam on yourself) but they put way too much butter. I'm not some cholestorol truck drive. Come now.
What about marmalade? Is there room in this thread for it?
I decided to choose between the three presented, to be controversial, and I'm sorry but pamela anderson and carmen electra are not very attractive. So, I chose Britney Spears by elimination, though if I were to pick "other" I'd say none because I prefer girls that I've seen in person.