Bush is/was a goon and Kerry was a goon as well. Neither were good candidates for the country. On T.V. many countries wanted Kerry to win, but the arabian countries were happy as f**k that Bush won. Bush, in my opinion, is mr. der der derrrrrr and doesn't know wtf he's doin. I agree that Bush...
punch ur donut...never heard that before. lol. I personally am not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that, people's personal sexual preferences are their own business! - Seinfeld). I'm not tryin to provoke a flame war or anything but I think gay men should be able to join the military...
it goes to the clipboard i thought, even though im positive the little people inside my PC do that stuff with their magic. lol. I give my PC candy and stuff so it'll never go bad. Seems to disappear too, but my cousin seems to be puttin on the pounds...doesn't make sense. :D
It depends what kind he downloads. An OEM CD Key will not work with a Retail XP CD. I found that out the hard way. Luckily I have a copy of XP that has unlimited licenses so...I can install a legit copy of XP on anyone's PC.
mine's better. jk, looks good to me, should be able to play all games that are out. I'd get another gig of memory especially if you're gonna play Battlefield 2.
I have it as my main OS on my laptop, only a few bugs such as AIM n such. If you install put it on a separate HD. I wouldn't put it on another partition as that may cause problems.