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  1. MindCrafter

    I wonder what this is...("spoiler")

    When playing through the game the 2nd time (on hard), I noticed something strange at the start of the game (after the trainstation, in the playing field: I played around with these things, I realized that one...
  2. MindCrafter

    Valve to pirates: "OMG!!1!!1 U GOTZ WAREZ!!!1!!! BANNED!!!!!11!!

    Already "a" thread about this.
  3. MindCrafter

    help with half life 2 multiplayer

    Shortcut, you know how to make a shortcut, right??
  4. MindCrafter


    Freedom of speech? We CAN swear, therefore we swear. I'm getting tired of people like you, expecting everybody to adapt to your religion. Please realize that not all are christians.
  5. MindCrafter

    A Theory on the G-Man ---Really big spoiler if I'm right---

    You corrected "teh" two times. Great job.
  6. MindCrafter

    Half Life 2 is scarier than D3!

    At the end where you are leaving him, he laughs like a psycho while he blasts the zombies. I can't believe how cool gregori really is :P "COME TO THE LIGHT MY CHILD!!" *BAAMM*
  7. MindCrafter

    question, possible spoiler not major

    Yes. Kind of.
  8. MindCrafter

    End game discussion *spoilers of course*

    Do you think that Gordon is a mindless pawn? Remember at the end of HL1 you agree to work with the G-man? All I know is that Valve made an excellent and mysterious game, again. It's all so confusing :P Edit: I used 24 hours or something to finish the game btw.
  9. MindCrafter

    OMFG HL2 is almost out!! :'(

    Ok, I'll get a screenie up Edit: I don't have "life" yet, I expect it to arrive any moment.
  10. MindCrafter

    To the retail buyers!!!

    Dudes, CS source is play and spray instantly, kk!
  11. MindCrafter

    **how much would you pay to play HL2?*

    I think I would have pirated the game if they demanded more than 80 dollars for it :farmer:
  12. MindCrafter

    meetin up at 7am! here!!!

    It sure will :cheers:
  13. MindCrafter

    meetin up at 7am! here!!!

    Hey, I remember playing with you! As much as I want to participate I got school :hmph:
  14. MindCrafter

    Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

    I think he brought postcount up because he suspected DiortemrM to register just to be an ass :)
  15. MindCrafter

    Okay, can everyone stop being a fanboy?

    You played HL2? Thought so.
  16. MindCrafter

    Gamespot - Last reviewers who still have integrity and cant be bribed.

    Why bribe any magazine when people are going to buy it because of its predesesor anyway?
  17. MindCrafter

    What it all boils down to...(concerning the reviews)

    True, true. :thumbs:
  18. MindCrafter

    Why the Halo 2 hate?

    I hate Halo1, Halo2's gotta be alot better if I'm not going to wipe my ass with the disc.
  19. MindCrafter

    have u a url to for the hl2 patch

    I... don't understand. ...?