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  1. RandomPING


    What about April Ryan from The Longest Journey? Probably one of the most real female character i've ever played in a game.
  2. RandomPING

    AMD vs Intel thread

    Personally I just build my own processors out of hope and love.
  3. RandomPING

    My Own Computer

    Damn those ram sticks!
  4. RandomPING

    My Own Computer

    *edited* Oops problem alreaty solved
  5. RandomPING

    Do u think ill be able to run HL2?

    You should refer to this thread. Since we do get it a lot here, it's stickied at the top. The short answer, yes.
  6. RandomPING

    low end systems.

    I'm a big Radeon fan, but man, the 6800 is one beautiful card.
  7. RandomPING

    yet another videocard thread

    Yea definately just save the money you'd spend on the 7000 so you can get the 9800 sooner. And what brinks said, OEM will usally do you just fine if you know enough about computers to find the drivers yourself. I wouldn't want to go with OEM for an AIW though, just because a lot of that...
  8. RandomPING

    Graphics card info not appearing before boot?

    Radeon decided they didn't need to be flashy to get people to love them.
  9. RandomPING

    Don't buy the X-Dreamer II case, its too bright

    It's the one case you can see from space!
  10. RandomPING

    low end systems.

    Well SE doesn't mean its HALF the power of the pro. Like a 9800 SE is a better buying choice than a 9600 Pro, because you still get the 9800 Core, and if you wanted to you could pretty easly soft mod it to a 9800, or maybe a 9800 Pro. But even without the soft mod, it'll still probably do ya...
  11. RandomPING

    Viruses, spyware, ect

    Or you could kill him...
  12. RandomPING

    9800 pro power connector

    Yea those things are a pain in the butt, if you can't even get it started a skrew driver can work well as a wedge to start it off.
  13. RandomPING

    woah, CPU usage at 100% constantly

    Yay i love happy endings.
  14. RandomPING

    witch is better?

    I thought the 6800 Ultra was the new top of the line card from nvidea.
  15. RandomPING

    Is it possible to preorder a 6800 ultra?

    It's just anger over general ignorance, not anger over a card.
  16. RandomPING

    What should i update on my comp?

    You'd get better use out of the 9600 though than the processor on most of the newer games that lean on DX effects. Go with the 9600 Regular over the SE though, it's better. Unless you know how to soft mod stuff, then go with the 9600 SE. I think you can find a 9800 SE though for about the...
  17. RandomPING

    A blast from the past..

    I'm one of the few who still stand by the september 30th 2003 date, the rest of you are philistines!
  18. RandomPING

    A note on card wars.

    The simple fact is that ATI won this generation of hardware, and it's their first win ever, they've been playing catch up, and people like to see the under dog win. And they only won with DX effects, the Nvidea is still better for games like doom 3, but those kinds of games arn't quite as...
  19. RandomPING

    Switching cases

    Damn those futureistic imaginary case removal detection systems. But no, you'll be fine transfering everything over, like blahblahblah said, it's just like turning off the power and turning it back on. Just make sure you don't blow any of the components out while you transfer.
  20. RandomPING

    HL2/D3 Rig Updated.

    It looks good, i'll trade you all my pogs for it.