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  1. DimitriPopov

    Bink vids Question (the 2 new ones)

    I just watched strider again , and it looks fine to me. You have to really look to notice the jagged lines.
  2. DimitriPopov

    Bink vids Question (the 2 new ones)

    Why do people have such a hardon for FFSAALJF whatever. You cant even watch a video without ignoring the TINY jagged lines? Sure I turn it on , but Im not addicted to it like its crack or something.
  3. DimitriPopov

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    If they said it was in Phase 3 instead of Beta Alpha or Gold would your head explode? That terminology is very arbitrary, it is not concrete.
  4. DimitriPopov

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    :byewhore: Pretty obviously a gimmick, Bail out before youre discovered?
  5. DimitriPopov

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    So let me get this straight , a good number of the people in this thread think that Valve took the time between September of last year and now to actually take shit OUT Of their game? Wow. The game looks great and plays great , bottom line. *EDIT* Its nice to see some people posted the...
  6. DimitriPopov

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    It keeps getting better. There was AI in the E3 demos, but I mean if youre type of posting is the new trend I suppose I could start making things up too. HORRIBLE arcitectural detail! It cant even do interiors. I think the engine is broken! Ill go play this , at least it has...
  7. DimitriPopov

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    Oh and sorry I didnt see it before , but Im pretty sure Sergio is a gimmick. Valved Ray is close.
  8. DimitriPopov

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    :lol: Sure you looked at the other pictures? I will go find a bad picture of an otherwise impressive game like say Max Payne 2 , then Im going to declare the whole game is ugly. Better yet if I had a game from an old build of Max Payne 2 , BRILLIANT. Oh and PS- The glass breaks brilliantly.
  9. DimitriPopov

    GameSpot preview up

    It was a pretty bad article. It had a decidedly "GRRR Half-Life wasnt released on time , and we wont let it go" tone and message to it. Half-Life 2 will still have just as big of an impact today. Those other games still dont touch HL2. Wether they be cartoonish or just different styles these...
  10. DimitriPopov

    The PC PowerPlay Hands-On... Possible spoilers...

    No it really doesnt, it was whatever gun was selected. Its too bad about the manipulator , the blue beam would have been sooo much more useful. Well we will probably be able to easily add it in later , or maybe it comes with impulse 101
  11. DimitriPopov

    The PC PowerPlay Hands-On... Possible spoilers...

    Im sure someone posted this , but for godsakes A CHILLY MOUNTAIN RANGE!? Thats the freaking citadel, mein gott this guy must be a huge fan of impressionist art. WB, where did those shots come from? In the E3 videos that blue beam still comes from the pistol(no model for specific...
  12. DimitriPopov

    HL1 body count

    How did you ever count all that , mustve taken forever, and been frustrating.
  13. DimitriPopov

    Give Us The A.w.p Back!!

    Wow , so if you cant use the bolt action sniper rifle in a game which should obviously be focusing on assault rifles or SMGs its suddenly broken? Thats ****ing ridiculous, Im glad I dont play that shit anymore.
  14. DimitriPopov

    Far Cry Moments

    Thats IS the story, but you obviously dont play games for the story. You felt like you WERE Gordon Freeman , yet you dont care who the G-Man is even though he followed your every move and may have orchestrated it (resonance cascade) in the first place. You were Gordon yet you didnt care to pay...
  15. DimitriPopov

    doom3 done quick(???)

    It looks awsome. For some reason printing Commemorative Edition and then using the classic Doom logo makes me actually want Doom3. It (Doom2) was the first computer game I ever played , at my babysitters house and it was on those huge soft floppy disks. Memories. PS- It would be pretty easy...
  16. DimitriPopov

    Far Cry - What am i missing?

    Youre not missing much at all. FarCry had good graphics , it was fun to look at for a little while. But the gameplay was HORRIBLE, it had no story , really shady AI , and it didnt inspire me to play at all. I barely beat the first hour of gameplay before I put it away , havent played it since...
  17. DimitriPopov

    GIs mistreating prisoners in Iraq. :(

    Pretty much exactally
  18. DimitriPopov

    Google slams its initial public value at 2.7 Billion

    Whats the IPO price , does anyone know? Too bad the .com/internet boom has passed. Now most investors actually know whats going on with internet and technology stocks. I might buy a few shares , but I dont see it going very far forward. I mean what type of product does google really offer...
  19. DimitriPopov

    Asshole says Tillman got what he deserved.

    ok so, I will laugh if Mr. Rene Gonzalez is shot in the head. Infact , Id do it myself.
  20. DimitriPopov


    Gods and Generals Killer Angels Last Full Measure Look under Shaara (Michael and Jeff) All historical fiction Civil War books , a series done by father and son. GREAT books , its basically like taking the historical accuracy of Band of Brothers for instance , and giving all of the...