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  1. I

    Thought I'd do a proper good-bye thread..

    yep....sure is Hope these forums don't empty too much when you know what comes out...
  2. I

    Just replayed Half-Life 1! w00t!

    I'm waiting for HL Source to play it again. BTW ive seen that video as well, some other guy recently did it in 45 mins!!
  3. I

    Lombardi Interview from Homelan

    HomeLAN - Finally, we have to ask: is Team Fortress 2 officially a dead project or is that game in some kind of production? Doug Lombardi - TF2 is not dead at all. After we announced TF2 on the HL1 tech, we made the decision to move it to the Source Engine. It is still in development and we...
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    What time will source unlock in UK

    You are so right. But I am still so goin to through a sicky
  5. I

    What time on Nov 16th?

    Almost definately not in the contract with VU. Damn
  6. I

    Im Worried!!

    You mean wednesday right? There will be busy minds all over the world, figuring out how to get the day off...myself included
  7. I

    How about it?

    Rofl.. Sore belly.
  8. I

    Change on hl2.php

    Ditto. As in I agree with you.. Not, as in you go play with him in the road..
  9. I

    urgh purshasing hl2 silver via steam

    I had the same thing on day of release. Mine came through OK itself shortly after.
  10. I

    oh oh...

    and it'll be dubbed....
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    Ditch The Cheats

    Please don't do the list my specs thing. What is it with that.
  12. I

    HL2.PHP *Working Answers Only*

    Here It Is.. Another Useless Timewasting Thing... Yippee. Limmy None of this is going to help you to deal with stuff before the game comes out... But it's still funny.. Just be patient.
  13. I

    Quick question

    Ohh (I've been There) just wait. You'll get there, don't listen to too much hype.
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    Quick question

    Isn't it great ? The steam platform is truly genius. You watch.
  15. I

    Ditch The Cheats

    BTW I think homer deserves a break. He really cares. Good for you Homer.
  16. I

    Ditch The Cheats

    Hmmm , think of the people who are coming into CS and Steam. There's a lot of newbies out there. Some young and some old. Mostly not technically too proficient. As I said. Lets Keep It Simple. And Honest
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    Ditch The Cheats

    I agree with the 2nd paragraph. Although doing nothing doesn't exactly help either....
  18. I

    Ditch The Cheats

    Someone very clever once said to me; Keep It Simple...Stupid KISS Rather than quoting others and sometimes having a bit of a go at each other, maybe we should just either agree or disagree with the argument that something should be done about people that cheat. I think that most people...
  19. I

    Ditch The Cheats

    Question. Is it right for people to admit to cheating, hacking or whatever and still be allowed to make posts in these forums? I'm all for freedom of speech and that but cmon... Should they still be treated as members and allowed to upgrade their status as they add more posts...
  20. I

    Ditch The Cheats

    I think he's dug himself deep enough already ! The problem is, cheating in games is sometimes kind of brushed under the carpet. As if its not really so bad. This is wrong.