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  1. Unarmed


    Those are the point based entities which exsists in source only in one specific point. A func_door is a brush based entity and that is tied to a brush. To create one, you first create a brush and then select it ad press the "to entity" button (Ctrl + T) and then you will find all the brush...
  2. Unarmed

    How do you make something nonsolid

    Func_illusionary is there for legacy support and should not be used.
  3. Unarmed

    How do you make something nonsolid

    func_button is the entity for the swtich. Set func_brush to "Toggle" and give it a name like "secret_wall" or something. Go to outputs for button and click "Add". Now for the new output type. Target: secret_wall Input: Toggle (or ToggleSolidity, hammer will suggest the right one) With a...
  4. Unarmed

    How do you make something nonsolid

    You are welcome. But IMO secrets are more fun if you have to do something to unlock them first and then you have to use the "toggle" state and do some I/O too.
  5. Unarmed

    Help (Displacements x props)

    It's been aroudn for along time but I fear we will have to wait until EP2 until VALVe gives us the fix for it... they are a bit annaoying like that.
  6. Unarmed

    Textures dissapear

    Is there since the latesy update i believe and it was like that when the SDK came out too... Same thing happens when you start a new map.. It's stupid but thats how it is... and then fix is exactly like you said.
  7. Unarmed

    How do you make something nonsolid

    A brush? Tie it to a func_brush entity. (select brush, hit Ctrl + T and select func_brush from dropdown list) Set solidity to "never solid" and you are done. Or set it to "toggle" if you want the solidity to be something you can alter as the map progresses.
  8. Unarmed

    Help (Displacements x props)

    Hmm... Something is wrong with thte setup of VBSP. I think you have placed the -nevirtualmesh in the wrong place. VBSP then does nothing and VVIS and VRAD goes on to work with what they thing is new files but really is old files and thus you end up with the same map. Here is a screen of how...
  9. Unarmed

    Help (Displacements x props)

    Thats a bug in the SDK... I believe compiling BSP with the "-novirtualmesh" command... so in hammer when setting things up it would look like this: -game $gamedir $path\$file -novirtualmesh for BSP that is. //Unarmed
  10. Unarmed

    Building larger maps

    Naw... there are ways that you can get the engine to render quite large enviroments right now although, yes, it is said that EP2 will make this a lot easier. Since this will be an engine upgrade then I think it will also be apllied to all other Source games unlike the Zombine which is a...
  11. Unarmed

    Lighting Help !!

    what? light env has three keyvalues to control its lighting. they are defined as Red, Green, Blue and intensity. RGB values range from 0-255 and intensity can be anything you want. If map is too bright make sure that you dont have a leak and if not then just lower the intensity. Light...
  12. Unarmed

    camera view doesnt work

    its since the last update I belive... It was like that a while ago but then they switched it and now they switched it back... Sometimes I wonder if that is all VALVe does all day long and why they mess with the hammer camera view at all. Go get EP2 released already! Whoa. Post 500. GZ to...
  13. Unarmed

    camera view doesnt work

    Dodo is right... my hammer started doing the same recently.. You have top use the camera tool the first time to get the camera initiated or something... Just click that tool, make a nice line somewhere on any of the 2d grids and your camera should appear just like it used to.
  14. Unarmed

    Door Tutorial

    The solution is above. Two buttons with onIn and OnOut outputs and a couter which has max set to 2 and OnHitMax -> Open door.
  15. Unarmed

    Modders Please Help With HL2 Movement Speeds

    Mapping help? Hm.. yes.. maxspeed would be the cause of that... HOwever maybe you can find something else that fixes the circle strafing thing.
  16. Unarmed

    JPEG to VMT ?

    met perhaps but they didn't seem to make friends since he can't remember properly.
  17. Unarmed

    JPEG to VMT ?

    Now where is the fun in that?
  18. Unarmed

    JPEG to VMT ?

    ASCII textures.
  19. Unarmed

    Door Tutorial

    How bout an output for each button that adds 1 OnIn and subtracts it OnOut? Then there would be no need to reset the counter. And then have the counter have a max of 2 and then OnHitMax -> Open door. Otherwise you might be able to use one button twice.
  20. Unarmed

    Killing npc_citizen

    Hah, maybe.