yeah, hopefully, THIS TIME! it finaly gets released, ill be one happy camper :D
when it gets released, i rekon it will take down the internet and bring reality as we know it into another dimension.
meh, either ways fine with me.
i dont mind gibbing, leg shot off its ok, but when its just a full body pop, it just looks really crap on "next gen" games, HL is a classic for it and quake :D
ill have a look at the trailers.
I haven't seen too many cheats these days, people are just as good as the hackers now, sort of sad if you think about it.
Anyway, client side, server side, who gives a ***t just get Cable :P
P.S. HL is Server Side. :)
I remeber doing this before September, there was a thread on this, ill pre order it and wait till it comes... o wait, its still on pre-order from August, bahahahaha!!
im worried about HL2 being like UT2003 multiplayer, sure its got latest graphics (in its time) and what not, but no one played\plays it.
lets hope for the best.