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  1. Sierra Oscar

    GM unveils horseless chariot

    Hate to be driving that yoke and end up being in a RTA.
  2. Sierra Oscar

    VAC Bans

    The amount of people scamming accounts and then cheating on them is atrociously high too, unfortunately.
  3. Sierra Oscar

    Somebody trying to hack my account?

    The admins setup the password change requirement.
  4. Sierra Oscar

    learn to link!

    Hey, I for one enjoy being lazy! :D
  5. Sierra Oscar

    learn to link!

    It would be nice if they could open in a new tab, but right hand clicking aint rocket science either.
  6. Sierra Oscar Launched

    Same idea behind the SF logo.:D No harm done though.:)
  7. Sierra Oscar

    Valve pwns Europeans

    I was happy purchasing with the dollar - in fact it was usually the main reason why I purchased games on Steam.
  8. Sierra Oscar

    Play Episode Three now! (sort of)

    I sure hope the official EP3 is better. ;)
  9. Sierra Oscar

    EA Joins Europe on Steam

    They are? Nothing on the store for me yet. EDIT: There now! If only the prices were decent.
  10. Sierra Oscar

    Empire: Total War Coming To Steam With a Great Offer, Uses Steamworks

    It also uses Steam Works!!! Woot.
  11. Sierra Oscar

    Shogun total war II?

    I would expect to see it after Empire: Total War. Hopefully!
  12. Sierra Oscar

    Update are very slow on Steam

    Exit steam, navigate to your steam installation folder and delete your clientreigstry.blob file - then restart steam, and see if it downloads faster.
  13. Sierra Oscar

    Boooo! Guess who!:)

    Boooo! Guess who!:)
  14. Sierra Oscar

    Why does everyone hate steam?

    Deep down, everyone loves steam!:D
  15. Sierra Oscar

    How did you find out about half-life?

    I had to get my brother a Christmas present back when HL was released, I picked Half Life and I got hooked.
  16. Sierra Oscar

    Steam's New Community Feature Update

    Great news, Im eagerly awaiting it:)
  17. Sierra Oscar

    I doubt any of you guys has ever seen this pic

    I got this pic as a poster with Pc Zone last year....
  18. Sierra Oscar

    Eidos Expands Steam Collection

    Nice to see yet more great games come to steam.
  19. Sierra Oscar

    Nexon announce licensing agreement to use Source

    Interesting... Cant wait for more info:)
  20. Sierra Oscar

    Eidos - Steam Connection Confirmed

    There has already been a price drop on the commandos games. The Commandos complete package is at least $20 cheaper now....compared to what it was 5 hours ago!:O