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  1. AudioRage

    What is the oldest computer you can remember using?

    Yes, Yes he is.
  2. AudioRage

    Wtf Is That?!?!?! Weird!

    It looks like an inside-out fish with a cancerous growth on its face. How is that cute?
  3. AudioRage

    What is the oldest computer you can remember using?

    My dad worked with the first computers ever used by the state of california.
  4. AudioRage

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    I don't think it is one.
  5. AudioRage

    The Fall of a Dictator...

    Quited for Emphasis
  6. AudioRage

    The Fall of a Dictator...

    I bet the United States Take it over and make it part of florida.
  7. AudioRage

    3 parent families ...coming soon to a community near you

    You lot don't seem to get the point. I'm almost positive they mean three parents Medically and NOT Legally. They are just trying to help woman with certain mitochondrially inherited diseases have children without passing those diseases to their children.
  8. AudioRage

    Women Drivers!!

    Koreans can't drive. I'm not being Racist. They've had cars for like, less then 30 years, and they just can't drive. at all. My friend was telling me how she was in korea in a cab on the freeway, and some lady missed her exit, so she stopped and BACKED UP ON THE HIGHWAY. Thats just scary.
  9. AudioRage

    Congrats to the New York Yankees

    Right, because Steinbrenner doesn't make every dime back 10fold. He runs his team like a business, and some don't like it like that. I'm glad the red sox won, but I have nothing against the Yankees. Their coaches/players are all top notch. Hats off to the Yankees for their great season...
  10. AudioRage

    Women Drivers!!

    Its not the fact that all women can't drive. There are plenty of stupid ass male drivers too. Stop being so sexist you...Sexists!
  11. AudioRage

    Congrats to the Boston Red Sox

    I hate the yankees, so I'm happy.
  12. AudioRage

    Prop 71: Stem Cell Research (School Project)

    If you don't have an opinion, Don't vote.
  13. AudioRage

    Prop 71: Stem Cell Research (School Project)

    I live in california and I plan on voting Yes on prop 71.
  14. AudioRage

    Gmail invites

    There's a thread for this, look right up.
  15. AudioRage

    What File Extension Are YOU?

    Its not my fault! he just pasted the html and I'm wayy to lazy to look through it :P
  16. AudioRage

    What File Extension Are YOU?

    Haha, So far I'm the only .gif, suckers.
  17. AudioRage

    9X, retire everything, this things a beast

    My friend has a 55inch HDTV and the big difference would be the resolution, his tv is like two years old and certain things just do not look good on it unlees you're at least 10 feet away.
  18. AudioRage

    Just saw "Team America." F*ck Yeah!

    They did have to tone it down considerably for it to earn an R instead of NC-17 Rating, Though.
  19. AudioRage

    Bush / Kerry debate

    Its completely scripted. All the way down to there will be absolutely no suprise questions and the cantidates can't even talk to eachother. Its going to be a giant pile of snoring.