Heres what you do... open the driver's side door to hir car, and shit on his seat. Then walk away like nothing happened. ^__^
Or put sugar in his gas-tank so it carmalizes the engine and he either A.) has to buy a whole new one or B.) has to take it completely apart, clean it, and put it...
Wow, yea I just saw the movie last night, and SHEIT!!!1one This movie was f*cking aaaaaaaawesome. The Predators look so bad ass dude, you wouldn't f^cking believe it. The aliens look f^cking awesome, too. But yea, definately worth my ~8.5 dollars... I'd even see it again.
Lol, notepads fine if you want to learn ALL html, but that can be very tedious and daunting for many. Use Dreamweaver, that's what I've used since I was 12. Photoshop is a must, tutorials always help... and DEFINATELY look at other top web-sites, and take notes; learn from their errors and from...
WTF is this?? :x :eek: It's in the beginning and close to the end of the trailer... looks like a wild bore?
EDIT: After thinking about it, it only appeared in the trailer when people were in the 'free world,' I guess you could say. When they weren't in the Jigsaw dude's...
I actually like the new firewall protection thing that it has, now. As long as everything (including the firewall itself) works AND keeps working, I suggest that everyone download SP2 for themselves and install this bad boi.
Hmm, I read somewhere that there aren't any more G-Mail invites being sent out... I already have an account so it doesn't matter, but can anyone else verify this?
I just did it manually and went into Exceptions >> Add Program >> STEAM and it worked...
Nothing popped up for me, but it's fixed now, so that's good :D.