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  1. Hot Soup

    Global Warning Worriers... Say A-Men

    It is utterly irrelevant whether it's natural or man made. At the very least current levels and past levels of pollution, cfc's , co2 output et al ahve all contributed to climate change , which is gathering apace. Shrinking ice caps - fact Shrinking glaciers in Europe , Iceland and...
  2. Hot Soup

    Global Warning Worriers... Say A-Men

    Climate change is a fact nothing more nothing less.
  3. Hot Soup

    Getting Political with Iraq

    If by eventual you mean a god awfull amount of dead from both sides through attrition, numerous civilian casulties and not finding wmd then sure "success" by all means.
  4. Hot Soup

    My warnings

    OK we've wandered off just a tad.
  5. Hot Soup

    Site Feedback

  6. Hot Soup

    Site Feedback

    you never know oO
  7. Hot Soup

    What will happen when HL3 comes out?

    If we do do something with Hl3 which .. we prolly will ..... I guess we could simply point that domain here or viceversa and use the same forum db. But equally it'd be nice to have nice fresh start :)
  8. Hot Soup

    "Major" Mods' Statuses...

    the ego strikes again
  9. Hot Soup

    coulld we have a message board that was more off-topic?

    It is not going to happen , ever
  10. Hot Soup

    Half Life : The 3 Word Story

    Sorry but .. spam
  11. Hot Soup

    retroactive warnings

    Looking at the logs the warnings are after the date of the script being put into place. That however is irrelevant. If you do something that deserves a warning you will be warned for it, whether it happens to be a day after or two weeks after. Perhaps TDE erred when he said liar. I'm sure he...
  12. Hot Soup

    Nothing is true; everything is permitted.

    From a neutral point of view you're thread title doesnt indicate that it's a discussion of magic / magick. And the initial post ... perhaps you should have told us something of your belief to let people respond to that rather than <thread for discussion of non specified topic> Sidenote...
  13. Hot Soup

    Posting Restrictions

    In my experience limited editing is failry routine. Most of the forums I frequent have that in place. Primarily yes it's used as a tool to stop people posting offensive material and then changing the post at a later date. If a thread is a stickied and someone wants it updated then its a...
  14. Hot Soup

    The next James Bond.... is black?!? Wha...?

    Robbie Coltrane or some other fat biffer!
  15. Hot Soup

    The next James Bond.... is black?!? Wha...?

    I'd like to see Colin Salmon play Bond just to see what it's like. I mean hey they had a black felix leiter so why not bond? I think that guy is sauve enough and has enough presence to make it interesting. But I think what's needed is a sea change for the Bond character as a whole. I quite...
  16. Hot Soup

    I have to get this off my chest

    Lets have a little less spam eh ?
  17. Hot Soup

    The Situation In Ukraine

    I'm fairly surprised this isn't bigger news it's potentially one of the most important stories of the year. Currently the outgoing President has warned of Civil war. The "loser" in the elections has called for a general strike and the "Winner" had called for talks at one point. It all...
  18. Hot Soup

    Well now this is interesting... (One for the Brits)

    I wouldnt exactly call them nut jobs, but yeah it's little more than a publicity stunt. Salmond is just newly back in charge of the SNP and this makes him look good in several quarters .. but the celebrity photocalls kinda take away some of the serious impact. The fox hunting ban, the queens...
  19. Hot Soup

    Haha, offtopic.

    It's the day after release ... people will be busy :x