So you want people to e-mail you with the exact date they think Episode 3/HL3 will be released, rather than just posting dates and steamIDs in this thread? What's the purpose of that?
Furthermore, there are 365 days in the year. Assuming the-next-HL-with-a-3-in-the-title will be released next...
Actually aside from the way Starscream died like a bitch and Megatron's abrupt death, they were handled REALLY well. Megatron was at his best in this movie. He also had his best line in the entire trilogy.
Anyone else think that, no matter what they do visually now, it's not going to awe people on the same level as JP1? 'Realistic' CGI creatures are a dime-a-dozen now as compared to before.
I find it so funny she's from the water tribe and spends most of her time in the trailer firebending.
Also, Toph's daughter is chief of the METALBENDING POLICE.
Thing is, it's not as if the animal is being tortured for torture's sake. This isn't something like poking the animal in the eye, or slicing off bits and pieces of it while it's still alive for the purpose of exacting torture upon it. It's just methodical, almost clinical. You put animal on rack...
Just can't get sad about watching animals I eat die. Sorry. Maybe it's because I've been on a farm before and actually done that stuff. We didn't have bolts to stun animals, we just sliced their necks or took off their heads, or skewered them. Had to prepare this pig once, for a...