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  1. Kouler

    What's playing in your head?

    Saul Williams - Tr(n)igger That Public Enemy sample just keeps looping at the back of my head lol
  2. Kouler

    Updated Duke Nukem Song

    I'm pretty sure its a dev team thing.
  3. Kouler

    Describe your first kiss.

    At a mate's birthday party. My girlfriend at the time was his sister's best friend and she also turned up at the party. Oddly enough, this was our first meeting since officially deciding to date. For whatever reason I ended up getting smashed and at one point she walks up to me - "So, wanna hook...
  4. Kouler

    Azureus: blue screen of death?

    Yeah, actually my AV expired a while ago, so I should probably renew it. Once this 4gig download is done (its at 98.7%), I'll try other torrent clients and see if any of the others produce the same problems.
  5. Kouler

    Azureus: blue screen of death?

    I've been getting pc crashes and blue screens with Azureus lately. What's the problem? It has only been happening recently, it was fine before that.
  6. Kouler

    what would you say YOU are?

    Out of all of the above... the closest I consider myself would be cyber goth?
  7. Kouler

    I have witnessed the basest of crimes.

    What a furry (heh heh) mess the artist is in.
  8. Kouler

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Mudvayne - -1
  9. Kouler

    Good heavy/normal Progressive rcok with good singing/vocals bands?

    Tool is excellent, my favourite prog band by far :)
  10. Kouler

    Best Videogame Characters Of All Time

    Cole from Gears of War - I loved his introductory scene where he is fighting all those enemies by himself, taunting them with his badass deep voice.
  11. Kouler

    Fight Music

    Like I said, Mudvayne - Dig. Its a beat-someone's-face-in song if I ever heard one.
  12. Kouler

    Fight Music

    Mudvayne - Dig
  13. Kouler

    post your favorite techno artists

    Dont forget The Prodigy :D
  14. Kouler

    About saves in games and what every game must have! PC, 360, PS3!

    I miss being able to save anywhere in most games with the name of the save and the screenshot. They had it in the old days with games like Duke Nukem 3D, why not now?
  15. Kouler

    That's the name from the game!

    Arthas Gordon Freeman Jim Raynor Hell, theres too many
  16. Kouler

    How many musicians here?

    I play guitar, bass, keyboards, drums and also do vocals. I pretty much compose my own music and record it all myself. On the sideline, I play lead guitar in a metal band.
  17. Kouler

    Half-Life Movie

    But what is Half-Life without Gordon Freeman? Its not Half-Life without the Freeman.
  18. Kouler

    Graduatin' dis

    Just came back from graduation ceremony :D wow can't believe I'm done!
  19. Kouler

    Graduatin' dis

    Oh thats only just the beginning. Wait till you hear the rest of it.