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  1. F

    New enemy ideas

    I totally agree about that they can probably make a new model for different zombie's from different characters:)
  2. F

    Killing NPC's in HL2

    Pretty much the only npc you can kill on the friendly side is Lamaar:sniper:, and yet you cant kill the other ones except while doing something stupid with a certain object it flies and kills the npc. What gives?
  3. F

    I killed Dr. Kleiner

    lol need to try and kill Grigory or Kliener
  4. F

    Crowbar vs. Icepick

    He's so used to the crowbar why would they change that. You'll Start the first lv and find one stuck somewhere like in Ep. 2
  5. F

    Before you started playing...

    Just went an played
  6. F

    Should Ep.3 have ironsights?

    No way it would totally ruin the games first person shooter. I mean think about it now we can use ironsight, no way.
  7. F

    Something I would like to see in Episode Three

    We already know what Gordon looks like, he's been on the cover of some of the games.
  8. F

    Alyx hanging from bridge

    Nope never happens
  9. F

    Combine Empire....greatest enemy ever?

    Possibly, but i've fought better enemies in games.
  10. F

    The ending/Episode Three opening (spoilers obviously)

    No but in episode 2 he knocked down.
  11. F

    Need Help with the Strider/Missile Silo MEGA-FIGHT

    It's pretty hard I completed it the first time, but the second time i almost lost.
  12. F

    Ichthyosaur or something similar in Episode Three?

    Freeman would die from frostbite if he fell in the water. So i say no
  13. F

    Play time in HL Ep.1

    It took me 3 hours to finally play Ep.1 on the 360. How long did it take u to play:bounce:
  14. F

    Funny rebel quote i heard for the first time. *spoiler?*

    DAMN!!! need to play that lv and hear that quote. All these quotes pass me by.
  15. F

    Portal gun for HL3

    people are making such a fuss about gordon appearing in the portal.
  16. F

    Does Lamarr fly away in the rocket?

    lol wish tat was the beggning.
  17. F

    Epi3 - Alyx - Epi2 - Eli - [Spoilers]

    Barney come back!!!!
  18. F

    Portal gun for HL3

    Now I know this has been established. Portal or no portal.
  19. F

    Episode 3 Suggestion Thread Wants/Don't want

    No antlions To pump lead into advisors Return of barney definitly NEED zombie level more dificult physics challenges.
  20. F

    What Happened to Barney??????

    then lets see a pic