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  1. V

    Summary: PCZone review (some new info)

    I just got mine in the post, will read it in the bit. Did see a cool screenshot :-
  2. V

    ATI's webpage shows optimisim!!
  3. V

    Forgive me if this has been discussed...

    The caption under the pic says according to world lingo translator:-
  4. V

    ATI's webpage shows optimisim!!

    They had the counterstrike logo last week for October and now they have the HL2 logo, which is quite interesting. With ATi having close links with Valve i.e. free HL2 vouchers, they may know something. :imu:
  5. V

    PC Zone 97%

    Hopefully I will receive my PCZone in the post tomorrow.
  6. V

    Vampire : The Masquerade on Warez

    Is it Bloodlines or the the first vampire:masquerade game?
  7. V

    Ship date still up in the air

    Couldn't see this posted yet. The PCZone/CVG website has a news item about vivendi and the release date here is what it says:- I thought the bit about VUGames determining if the Half-Life 2 meets the gameplay standard was funny, it is probably going to be game of the year FFS :sniper...
  8. V

    Does IGN know something we dont know?

    It was meant to be gold candidate, and should be fixed now as I received the following email:-
  9. V

    PC Gamer UK Score

    Robits! :rolling: Quake 2, Civilistion 2 and Grand Prix 2 also received 96%
  10. V

    PC Gamer UK Score

    I believe you scorps, but can you please give some more info i.e. any new screenshots, any new info on enemies, does it say a release date and can you tell us the 'It's' and 'It's Not' Thanks
  11. V

    Ravenholm stuff you might have missed.

    Is that a combine holding a baby in the graffiti?
  12. V

    PC Gamer UK - Half-Life 2 Review.

    So is it all we hoped it would be, or should I cancel my preorder which I have had since April last year :P .
  13. V

    PCZone Review Next Month!!!

    PCGamer UK has review in next issue as well, on sale 5th October:- :cheers:
  14. V

    PCZone Review Next Month!!!

  15. V

    PCZone Review Next Month!!!

    Posted on the PCZone's forum is a post by PCZone's editor saying they will have their Halflife2 review next issue and that it will be out a week earlier on 8th October. I am a subscriber, so can't wait until I get my copy :) .
  16. V

    PCGameplay reviews Half-Life 2

    Do we have something to look forward to in the next PCGamer ;) .
  17. V

    What. Wait. No hard-core gore?

    In the Barricade bink video, when the grenade is thrown at the 2 combine, they just go flying and don't gib.
  18. V

    HL2 MP Details - A few days

    I have the mag, and all it is about is Counterstrike Source and all the original Half Life content being transferred to source, it also says that CS:S will be part of the special collectors pack and that CS:S is not HL2's multiplayer. Also if you are wondering about Extra Life, it is just a...
  19. V

    PC Gamer Counterstrike Source screenshot

    The article in PCGamer UK is just a small eyewitness report on the showing of CS:S at E3 and goes on to say that all original Half Life content will be transfered over to source. It also says CS:S will be released at the same time as HL2 and will be part of HL2 special edition, but it is not HL2...
  20. V

    Squad commands

    According to the PCZone preview it basically says the AI will work out what to do in a given situation, but you can also issue commands, though they can argue with you and do their own thing anyway.