I thought it was obvious that this has HL1 code as well as HL2 in it? For God's sake theres even a hl1 folder and bat file. This is more than just HL2 here.
In the Valve info thread someone asked if you could set it so that all terrain and environments had dynamic transformation, ex. destructable anything. He said a mod maker could most certainly do this,
Another quote from NeoMaxims:
I'm referring to an announcement regarding retail/steam release information.
They'll promise HL2 on the 30th, and deliver.... in a fashion. And they won't have lied thus allowing them to come out clean as a whistle.
How is it old news? Hes just using quotes to convey insider information that he personally knows but cant officially say. In a way hes "confirming" some things.
This is from an IGN thread created by a mod and VIP member NeoMaxims. Just to tell you about him, he's a VIP because he works for Black Widow Games who did the They Hunger mods for HL. Heres what he posted:
Officially I can't tell you anything of course, but I can absolutely quote Gabe and...
Havok is insane. Ragdoll physics are easily the best technological invention in gaming for a long time. I love them. I love Havok.
They make for incredible realism and incredible hilarity.
Anyone who didnt know Aeris died in FFVII deserves to get it spoiled for them. Anyone who plays console RPGs knows what happens, especially since it happens relatively early in the game. I was in denial when that happened... I was convinced she was gonna come back or wasnt really dead...